Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Corruption watch welcomes name and shame campaign

Imogen Vollenhoven
11June 2013 

Corruption Watch has welcomed the name and shame campaign by government. 

On Sunday Minister of Justice Jeff Radebe released the names of over 40 convicted fraudsters. The list also includes private individuals who defrauded government departments. 

Several people on the list of 42 fraudsters worked for government. Minister Radebe said that was just the beginning as 3000 more names are set to follow.

Corruption Watch Executive Director David Lewis said that this naming and shaming that has taken place so far doesn’t even represent the tip of the ice berg but it’s a step in the right direction.

“Equally we think it’s appropriate that the department of public service and administration should set up a body that is dedicated to effectively as we understand it running disciplinary cases involving instances of gross financial misconduct or corruption,” said Lewis.

He also added that it is clear that government departments and agencies need assistance in running these disciplinary cases and they are pleased that are attending to this.

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