Monday, June 03, 2013

President Jacob Zuma calls for peace and stability in Africa

Mluleki Mrwebi
03 June 2013

The African Union has embarked on several initiatives to restore peace and stability on the African continent.

President Jacob Zuma was in Yokohama, Japan over the weekend at the Fifth Summit of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development.

Zuma said the recent crisis in Mali, Guinea Bissau, the Central African Republic and Niger have demonstrated the need for the AU to have a rapid response capacity.

Zuma has urged the Japanese Business Sector to expand trade and investment on the African Continent.

Zuma further said Africa’s main challenge is not that it is not part of regional and the global value chain but that it is located at the lower end of the value edition segments of the chain and Africa is committed to consolidate its effort on enhancing regional integration underpinned by three critical elements, market integration, industrial integration and infrastructure development.

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