Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Community Safety MEC condemns Mfuleni shootings

The Western Cape’s Community Safety MEC, Albert Fritz, has condemned the spate of shooting incidents in Mfuleni that occurred on Sunday and Monday.

Ten people were killed in separate incidents. Three men were killed by 4 suspects in Ligwa Street, a 29-year-old was shot in a tavern by an unknown assailant, 2 men were shot and killed in Bosasa, and four people were killed in a suspected revenge shooting in the COVID-19 informal settlement on Monday.

Fritz has called on the public to come forward with any information and report it to SAPS

“I call on any members of the community with information to immediately come forward and to report such to SAPS. We cannot allow our communities to tormented and traumatised by dangerous criminals.  These acts are akin to terrorism and we must not protect those who hold our communities at ransom.”

‘’The SAPS provincial management in the Province has ordered that additional police be deployed to the area. As part of the SAPS 72-hour Activation Plan, provincial organised crime detectives are pursuing leads.’’ Fritz added.


Done By: Mitchum George

Search continues for teenager who believed to have drowned at Gwaing River Mouth

The search continues for a teenager who believed to have drowned at Gwaing River Mouth, in the Southern Cape on Tuesday.

NSRI Wilderness duty crew were activated following eye-witness reports of a drowning in progress at Gwaing River Mouth.

‘’NSRI rescue swimmers responded to the scene in our NSRI rescue vehicle and NSRI crew responded to Herolds Bay where the sea rescue craft Oscars Rescue was launched.’’ Said Garth Dominy, NSRI Wilderness station commander.

‘’On arrival on the scene a sea and shoreline search commenced for a local male teenager, believed to be aged 15 or 16, who was last seen appearing to be in difficulty in the surf while swimming with friends before he disappeared in the water.’’ Donimy added.

A Police Dive Unit are tasked to continue in an ongoing search operation.



Done By: Mitchum George

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Four victims of mob justice within a week

 Four suspected robbers have all dies within the past week, this comes after one robber was set alight In Philipi.

Another burnt body of an unidentified man was discovered by a school teacher on Monday at Bongolethu Primary School in Browns Farm. Police stated they are following up on leads in order to arrest the suspects responsible for this murder.

A 23-year-old man was stoned to death on Sunday, allegedly by an angry mob, after being accused of attempting to rob a resident in Kosovo, Philippi.

On Friday, an unidentified man was found on the street after allegedly being beaten to death. He was accused of attempting to steal a cellphone in Litha Park, Khayelitsha. Last Monday, 24-year-old Samkelo Nyeka was burnt and stoned to death after being accused of stealing clothes.

Luvuyo Mamba of Kosovo Community Police Forum (CPF) said he doesn’t condone violence nor the community taking the law into their own hands.

Gugulethu Development Forum secretary Vincent Domingo said that the spike in incidents of alleged mob justice stemmed from a deeper issue. This is a reflection that they are slowly losing faith in the police and felt the need to protect themselves and this needed urgent attention.

By Everngelista Muza

President Ramaphosa to address nation at 7pm on Tuesday

President Cyril Ramaphosa will address the nation on developments in the country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic at 7pm on Tuesday.

According to the Presidency, the address follows meetings in recent days of the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC), the President’s Coordinating Council (PCC) and Cabinet.

“As South Africa rolls out its national COVID-19 vaccination programme, government and social partners are continuously monitoring infection, treatment and patient recovery rates, as well as compliance with health regulations and other prevention measures,” the President’s Office said.

Western Cape Premier, Alan Winde said the province does not support a move to lockdown level 2 as ‘’it is not supported by the province’s data, and it will undermine economic recovery.’’

Winde stated that the province’s response to COVID-19 has from the very beginning been based on data, evidence and science.

“We have also always maintained that a balance must be achieved in saving both lives and livelihoods in our province. This is because a humanitarian crisis caused by economic restrictions will also cost lives in the Western Cape and South Africa.’’

“In considering whether a move to alert level 2 should be introduced ahead of the upcoming religious holidays, we have again applied these guiding principles and compared the data available to us.” Winde added.


Done By: Mitchum George

Monday, March 29, 2021

A foreign national kidnapped and rescued in Langa with 10 arrested

10 people connected to the kidnapping of a 49 year man have been arrested over the weekend- this follows after the Cape Town police successfully extracted the man from the clutches of a gang who took him captive on the morning of Thursday 25 March before demanding a substantial ransom for his safe return.

Police spokesperson Novela Potelwa said the unidentified victim was a foreign national. The man was said to have been detained to Voortrekker Road after he was robbed of a substantial amount of cash and a cell phone.

The suspects aged between 20 and 30 were arrested after Investigations led the members of the National Intervention Unit (NIU), Bellville police, the hostage negotiation team and crime intelligence to an address in Nyanga on Saturday evening before successfully retrieving the man.

The suspects have been charged with armed robbery and kidnapping, they will appear in the Bellville magistrate’s court on Monday 29 March. 

By Everngelista Muza

Friday, March 26, 2021

GABS turns 160!

Golden Arrow Bus Services (GABS) turns 160 years old on 1 April 2021.

As a token of appreciation, all weekly, monthly and pensioner products purchased during April will receive a free trip added to their card.

We will also be charging a flat fare of R10.50 for all cash trips on 1 April 2021.

‘’Over the last 160 years, millions of Capetonians have made use of our services, thousands have spent time in the Company’s employ and thousands more have benefitted from the Company’s corporate social responsibility programmes.’’ Said GABS General Manager, Derick Meyer.

‘’Golden Arrow has never been just a “bus business”, at our core we are people-oriented. We move people, we employ people, and we uplift people. This is our true legacy.’’ Meyer added.

GABS thanked its clients for using their services

‘’…we have only made it this far because of the incredible support of our passengers and we are truly grateful for their loyalty.’’



Done By: Mitchum George

Cape Nature discovers what appears to be elephant teeth on Dyer Island, Gansbaai

Cape Nature has discovered what appears to be elephant teeth on Dyer Island, situated in Gansbaai, off the coast of the Western Cape.

The discovery of what appears to be elephant molar teeth, was made by Cape Nature staff during a routine trip to the island.

Extensive documented and peer-reviewed evidence indicates that around 18 000 - 20 000 years ago following the Last Glacial Maximum, reduced sea levels exposed a broad southern coastal plain or “Palaeo-Agulhas Bank” of around 60, 000 km2. This allowed large land-based mammals to migrate onto this coastal plain and possibly make their way to the area known today as Dyer Island. Fossil evidence discovered to date, indicates that the large mammal community was species-rich and dominated by large grazing ungulates, including equids and antelopes, and quite possibly elephants.

More recent evidence also suggests that elephants occurred on the Agulhas Plain as the remains of an elephant skeleton was found at De Mond Nature Reserve some years ago. The Shipwreck Museum in Bredasdorp also houses elephant remains from the region.

The Western Cape’s Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning MEC, Anton Bredell says the province has a unique heritage that dates back thousands of years.

“There is so much about our province we are still discovering. Finding elephant teeth on an island 8.5km in the sea is exciting and opens up many possibilities and mysteries which we hope will continue to unravel in years to come.”

Bredell says the latest discovery is under investigation to confirm the record and to try and determine how it ended up on Dyer Island.



Done By: Mitchum George

WCED extends deadline for 2022 school admission

The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has extended the application for the 2022 school year until midnight of 1 April 2021.

The initial deadline was on Friday, 26 March, but the WCED said that it has noticed an upsurge in website activity on the online application system. Parents have also pleaded with the department to extend the date, ‘’to allow parents to complete the last few applications.’’

The WCED warned that there no further extensions will be granted beyond this date.

‘’Parents will then have had 35 days to apply. We believe that come 1 April, parents have been given ample time to get the necessary documents together and to complete their applications.’’ It said in a statement.

‘’However, the activity on the website over the past few days has indicated that some parents have left this process to the last minute with 16 000 applications being submitted on Tuesday this week, 19 000 on Wednesday and 22 000 yesterday. The site has also had increased activity this morning.‘’ it added.

The department recorded 344 305 applications by 104 038 registered users.

‘’We would like to thank the parents who have applied timeously, and appeal to those that are still to apply, to do so immediately. It is recommended that they do not leave it until the last minute.’’ Said Bronagh Hammond, WCED Director for Communication.


Applications can be made either online or through a paper-based application process should a parent not have access to technology. They must please ask the relevant school for the application form.

The link to the WCED admissions website is:


Parents must apply to at least 3 schools, including the ones closest to your home, and order their preference on the system.


Parents will be asked to submit the following supporting documents:

·        The last official school Report Card

·        ID, Birth certificate, passport of the learner; or

·        A study permit (foreign learners); or

·        Proof of application (study permit) or a police affidavit

·        Immunisation card (Road to Health Chart) [Primary Schools Only]

·        Proof of Residence (Rates account, Lease agreement, an affidavit confirming residence).



Done By: Mitchum George

Nine suspects arrested following protest action on N2/R300

Nine suspects were arrested following the protest action that occurred since Tuesday.

It’s believed that a group by the name of Intlungu Yasematoytoymbeni movement are demanding water and temporary toilets in all new informal settlements. The movement, in a statement said that they also want to share their unhappiness about alleged threats made by the City of Cape Town to evict land invaders.

Two arrests were made in Kraaifontein on Wednesday. Seven arrests were made the following day, six of those were in Delft and one in Kraaifontein.

The suspects have been charged with public violence and are expected to appear in the Blue Downs magistrate’s court soon.

The Western Cape’s Community Safety MEC, Albert Fritz, says the Court Watching Brief Unit will be requested to monitor these cases for any SAPS inefficiencies, resulting in the case being struck off the court roll.

Fritz welcomed the arrests.

“I welcome the arrests made as they send a strong message to anybody wishing to destabilise the province through violent protest action. Let me be clear that citizens have a constitutional right to peaceful protest, whatever the issue may be but when these protest actions become a pretext for violence and blatant criminality they cannot then be hidden behind the notion of unhappiness with service delivery.”

The MEC claims the protests are politically motivated.

“In fact, based on information that we have received, the real intention behind these so-called service delivery protests is to destabilise communities, and are politically motivated. These actions actually halt the crucial services into those affected communities including sanitation, education, healthcare and transport which our citizens dependent on.” Fritz added.

“The modus operandi is to wear SAPS’ resources thin by appearing sporadically in different locations. I was however pleased to hear this morning that all roads including the N2, Hindle Way, Mew Way and other affected roads were clear,” said MEC Fritz.


Done By: Mitchum George

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Premier Winde request President Ramaphosa for special provincial funeral for Cecyl Esau

Western Cape Premier Alan Winde has written to President Cyril Ramaphosa to request a special provincial funeral for Western Cape struggle stalwart Cecyl Esau.

According to a statement from his family, Esau died from natural causes at his home in Table View last Wednesday.

Esau who was born in Worcester, was an anti-apartheid activist who was involved in the 1976 national student uprising while studying at the University of the Western Cape.

He was arrested for his political activities in 1986 and spent 12 years imprisoned on Robben Island.

‘’Should the President assent to the request, support will be made available for the memorial service which will be held in Worcester on Saturday, 27 March.’’ Said Premier Winde.

“We extend our condolences to Mr Esau’s family, friends and loved ones at this difficult time and look forward to a positive response to our request from President Ramaphosa.” He added.

PHOTO courtesy: TimesLive


Done By: Mitchum George

The clock is ticking - World TB Day

Wednesday, 24 March, is World TB Day.

This day is commerated to raise public awareness about the devastating health, social and economic consequences of Tuberculosis, and to step up efforts to end the global TB epidemic.

The theme for this year is - ‘The Clock is Ticking’ – which the World health organisation says conveys the sense that the world is running out of time to act on the commitments to end TB made by global leaders.

TB remains one of the world’s deadliest infectious killers. Each day, nearly 4 000 people lose their lives to TB and close to 28 000 people fall ill with this preventable and curable disease.

In 2019, City of Cape Town Health facilities conducted close to 43 thousand TB tests. This figure dropped to just over 29 thousand last year

People with TB or a history of TB are likely to be vulnerable to Covid-19 as they have similar symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath. Both also causes fever and weakness in the body.

Mayco member for community services and health, Zahid Badroodien has urged citizens to get tested for TB should they experience symptoms.

‘’In an effort to minimise the risk of clients’ exposure to Covid-19, health services have made modifications to patient flow and treatment practices and where possible, reduced the number of unnecessary patient visits to health facilities.’’

‘’On a positive note, Covid-19 has highlighted behavioural practices around infection prevention and control, and cough etiquette, including the de-stigmatisation of mask wearing and social distancing, which may contribute to reducing TB transmission.’’ Badroodien added.



Done By: Mitchum George

11-month-old baby from Kraaifontein missing

Capetonians are asked to help find missing 11-month old baby from Kraaifontein.

Akhimbali Mafentile was last seen at 10p.m on Sunday in Bigaba Street at Marikana Squatter Camp, Wallacedene.

''His mother left the child alone at home and asked friends to look after him. When she came back in the morning of Monday, the child was not with friends and not at home.'' said the Pink Ladies Organisation,

Akhimbali was wearing a grey all in one (onesie) with blue dots all over.

Anyone with information are asked to contact Pink Ladies Organisation on 072 214 7439 or the South African Police Services (SAPS) on 08600 10 111

PHOTO - Pink Ladies Organisation


Done By: Mitchum George

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

69-year-old man drowns at Strand Beach

Western Cape police have opened an inquest docket after a 69-year-old man from Somerset West has died following an incident at Strand Beach on Monday evening.

‘’The man had gone for a swim near to The Pipe, on the South Western side of Strand Beach. It appears that later he was spotted face down in the surf by bystanders who recovered the man from the surf.’’ Said the NSRI’s Craig Lambinon.

Lambinon said the man was confirmed to be deceased from what appears to be a fatal drowning accident.

‘’NSRI Gordons Bay, the SA Police Services, GB Med Security ambulance services and Emergency Services were alerted at 18h36 and on arrival on the scene the man was confirmed to be deceased from what appears to be a fatal drowning accident.’’

‘’The body of the man has been taken into the care of WC Government Health Forensic Pathology Services.’’ Lambion added.

PHOTO: Courtesy - NSRI


Done By: Mitchum George

Protesters demand water and temporary toilets at all new informal settlements in Cape Town

Various roads along the N2 and R300 were closed on Tuesday morning following protest action.

It is understood that a group by the name of Intlungu Yasematoytoymbeni movement are planning a total shutdown until Friday.

The protesters are demanding water and temporary toilets in all new informal settlements. The movement, in a statement said that they also want to share their unhappiness about alleged threats made by the City of Cape Town to evict land invaders.


The following roads are closed:

·        Ramp at N2 /Mew Way,

·        N2/Baden Powell Drive

·        N2/Spine Road

·        Baden Powell between Swartklip and N2


(Last updated at 11:45)


Head of communications at the Western cape Department of transport and Public Works, Jandre Bakker said: ‘’We urge road users to avoid the area until the road is declared safe enough to be reopened.’’


PICTURE: Courtesy - SAPS

Done By: Mitchum George

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Deputy President visits Biovac Manufacturing Facility in Cape Town

Deputy President David Mabuza visited the Biovac manufacturing Facility in Pinelands in Cape Town on Thursday.

The visit follows a similar visit to the institute in Gauteng. Mabuza was accompanied by Higher Education and Science and Technology minister, Blade Nzimande, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Naledi Pandor, and CEO of BioVac, Dr. Morena Makhoana.

The purpose of the visit is to provide the Deputy President who is the Chairperson of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Covid-19 Vaccines, an opportunity to witness the country’s scientific capabilities, biotechnology infrastructure and the investments made to support vaccine manufacturing and development efforts.

BioVac performs product development, formulation and filling of vaccines, packaging, labelling as well as cold chain and distribution.

‘’This is the only facility of its kind in the African continent. It started in 2003, just with packaging, but it has been moved up the value chain 9filling and finishing). Plan is to move higher the value chain, to be able to produce invest, initially our own research, and manufacturing our own vaccine. Not just for COVID-19, but other diseases/illnesses as well.’’ Says Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande

Mabuza said that R10 billion has been dedicated to purchase Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer. As for the AstraZeneca vaccine, the plan is to send it to other countries in Africa that is able to use it.

‘’We are purchasing from Johnson & Johnson, Phizer. Those are the two we entered an agreement with. The AstraZeneca vaccine, we are discussing with the African union (AU). Other African continents are using this vaccine, and soon South Africa will be one of those countries.’’

So far over 168,000 healthcare workers have been inoculated so far, as of 17 March 2021. The aim is to have 1 million healthcare workers vaccinated by the end of March. However, Mabuza admits that they will not meet the deadline.

‘’Innoculation is continuing, though not at a very good space. In the next few weeks, we are expecting more vaccines – by the end of March. We would’ve reached the 1 million mark of inoculation, but it doesn’t look like it. We predict the million mark will be reached by the first or second week of April.’’ Says Deputy President David Mabuza.

Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor says she is thrilled that their plans with BioVac is finally coming in to play and that they’re working with an international partner.

PHOTO: Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Naledi Pandor, Higher Education, Science and Technology Minister, Blade Nzimande, CEO of BioVac, Dr. Morena Makhoana.


Done By: Mitchum George & Danielle Mentoor

Easter break a concern for a possible third wave of the Covid 19

The Western Cape Education Department dwells on the possibility of a third wave of the coronavirus.

With the easter break approaching the department would like people to remember the importance of adhering to covid 19 regulance. The department said the vaccine is currently being rolled out to healthcare workers, but not enough of us have been vaccinated at this stage to stop the spread of the virus.

Western Cape Health MEC Nomafrench Mbombo said residents must remain vigilant, while restrictions have been eased, the virus has not come to end. The best play to prevent a third wave is for people void crowded areas, continue with the wearing of masks, sanitize constantly, stay within their bubble, leave their homes when it’s an absolute.  The provincial health department also asked that people keep their holiday gatherings small and outdoors, and encourage “at risk” people to stay home.

Mayco member for community services and health, Zahid Badroodien had earlier lamented the increased threats to the City’s environmental health service, who conduct Covid-19 compliance inspections.

He stressed that these are a key focus area as part of the City’s response to the pandemic, and residents should heed their instructions.

 Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay

By Everngelista Muza

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Fire broke out in parts of the old Parliaments Assembly building.

 A fire broke out in parts of Parliament’s Old Assembly building in Cape Town, an investigation has is being conducted to establish the cause.

On Tuesday night the fire was successfully contained affecting several upper floor offices and committee rooms. Parliament said the affected areas, including parts of the lower floor were not affected by the fire but have been left flooded due to the activation of the fire sprinkler system.

An immediate response by the city’s fire and rescue services successfully contained the fire. The cause is still unknown and no one has was injured.

Cape Town Fire and Rescue Services spokesperson Jermaine Carelse said fire crews from Roeland Street, Salt River, Sea Point, Brooklyn and Milnerton were dispatched.  The fire was reported to have originated in a room of the National Assembly.

Photo: Christa Eybers

By Everngelista Muza

School principle charged with attempted murder for coercing a 4th grader to retrieve his phone in toilet pit.

 The principal of Luthuthu Primary School in Ugie, Eastern Cape appeared in the Nqanqarha (Maclear) Magistrates court on Tuesday for attempted murder.

Spokesperson for the Eastern Cape Education Department Vuyiseka Mboxela confirmed that the 46 year old man told an 11-year-old pupil to search for the cellphone which had fallen into the toilet.

The incident reportedly happened in the first week of march.  Petros Majola, an activist from the Khula Community Development Project, said they wanted the principal to be dismissed and for his name to be removed from the council for educators.  He said the child should be given counselling services.

The learner’s grandmother told GroundUp that she is happy that the matter is getting attention and that the suspect will be accountable.She said it has been hard on her grandchild to go to school because he has been laughed at by other pupils.

Eastern Cape Education MEC Fundile Gade said that the department is working closely with the Department of Social Development to offer the learner and his family support.

Photo: Susan Secretea 

By Everngelista Muza

Five senior students claim being targeted following student protests


Five senior engineering students from the CPUT are calling for legal assistance to help them fight the institution after they were allegedly suspended during the November protests.

Four of them now face disciplinary hearings and another student who claimed he was wrongfully accused by an alleged by-passer for throwing stones at the building has already been expelled. They were arrested during campus protest about financial exclusions while on of the student said CPUT student representative council's deputy president Sihle Ngxabi said as the SRC they reject and condemn the alleged victimisation of the five students.

CPUT Spokesperson Lauren Kansley said any disciplinary hearing between CPUT and a student followed a stringent process before any outcome was reached. She further ensued, CPUT is unfortunately not in a position to divulge any further information.

Photo: Ashraf Hendricks/GroundUp

By Everngelista Muza

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Three suspects were arrested yesterday for the alleged murder of a young couple.


Limpopo police stated: Three suspects were arrested yesterday for the alleged murder of a young couple.

This follows the discovery of the bodies of 18 year old Lucia Malapane and 19 year old Nius Malatji by a neighbour on Sunday.

Provincial SAPS spokesperson Motlafela Mojapelo said the 47-year-old businessman had gone to see why Malatji had not been to work, when he made the gruesome discovery with their toddler beside the bodies.

The murders sparked widespread violent protests by community members in the area, after they accused the businessman of being responsible for the murders of the couple.

The angry mob from the village went on a rampage, torched the businessman’s shop and a motor vehicle. They proceeded to his house, burnt it and in the process killed some livestock, including chickens, goats and pigs. The suspects then fled the scene

 Three suspects were arrested later on the same day. The suspects were found in possession of some items belonging to the deceased.

The suspects, aged between 34 and 47, appeared before Bolobedu Magistrate’s Court yesterday, facing charges of house breaking with intent to commit two counts of murder, rape and robbery.

Mojapelo said the motive for the murders would be determined by police investigations.

Photo kat wilcox / Pexels.

By Everngelista Muza



Monday, March 15, 2021

Two men assaulted by community members while cops watch


Western Cape police have on launched an internal investigation following a video showing two men being assaulted in the presence of police in the Delft area. The video that's been doing the rounds on social media - shows two naked men being assaulted by community members. Three viral clips of the incident at N2 Gateway in Delft, shows cops in a police van retreating from the scene as several men wielding hockey sticks and a hammer- beat and strip the two men accused of robbing a house.

The man’s screams are hardly heard over the sound of the hockey stick hitting his body and the attackers’ swearing with bystanders watching.

The incident resulted to one of the victims succumbing to his injuries in hospital. Six people were arrested and charged for murder and attempted murder following the assault. Police spokesperson Novela Potelwa said: Part of the internal investigation is focusing on the response of police officials who attended the crime scene. The management of the police condemns all forms of vigilante attacks, those involved will be charged and they will face the full might of the law!

So far the police said the incident took place on 25 February at approximately 6:50 am. The accussed are expected in courts on 9th May.


Picture: com

By Everngelista Muza



K9 dog sniff out 13 year old housebreaker in shower


A 13-year-old teenager was found hiding in the bathroom after he allegedly broke into a houseon 13 March 2021. The suspect was found with bags of stolen items; it was alleged they might have been other suspects still in the house when the teen was removed.

It is was reported that at about 11:30, K9 unit members assisted SAPS Swartkops and a security company after they received reports that an alarm was triggered at a house in De Mist Cres in Bluewater Bay.

K9 dog handler and his dog ‘Cylo’ entered the house through a window and sniffed out the suspect standing on the shower wall. Investigations are continuing to establish whether the suspect can be linked to other housebreakings in the area. Police are advising homeowners to make sure that their burglar bars are securely fastened to their structure as well as to ensure that the space between the bars are narrow enough so as to deter any person from sliding through.

The teenage suspect was released in the custody of a relative and will appear in the juvenile court on 23 March 2021 on a charge of housebreaking. Detectives are still searching for two other suspects.


By Everngelista Muza


The passing of the Isilo Samabandla, His Majesty King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu has been described as a great loss to the nation at large.

The dignitaries paid their respects including Former President Jacob Zuma and KZN Premier Sihle Zikalala who visited the Royal House in KwaNongoma in KwaZulu-Natal on Sunday. Zuma described him as a father who taught the nation a lot and what it means to be a human being.

President Cyril Ramaphosa paid his respects to the king saying, “This sad news comes at a time when we had all been hopeful that His Majesty was recovering well in hospital where he had been over the past few weeks.”

"His Majesty will be remembered as a much-loved, visionary monarch who made an important contribution to cultural identity, national unity and economic development in KwaZulu-Natal and through this, to the development of our country as a whole."

The late King will be laid to rest on Wednesday night. A memorial service will take place on Thursday. Due to COVID-19 protocols, the Royal House has decided the remains of the king will not lie in state at the Royal Palace. 



Friday, March 12, 2021

DA Chief Whip, Natasha Mazzone, receives the 'Italian Order of the Star'.

The Democratic Alliance’s Chief Whip in Parliament, Natasha Mazzone MP, received the Italian Order of the Star, an equivalent of a knighthood in Italy, for her outstanding leadership in Parliament and fighting for a just society in South Africa.

The award recognises the preservation and promotion of national prestige, promoting friendly relations and co-operation with countries and ties with Italy and is awarded to Italian expatriates and foreign nationals.

‘’Natasha was one of the most prominent Parliamentary figures to fight the State Capture scourge within the State machinery. She has fought tooth and nail to uncover evidence, which she later testified on before the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture.’’ The DA said in a statement.

‘’It was her relentless effort to fight the state capture and hold Parliament accountable during the dark phase of our democracy that is now in the public discourse. Her efforts are now internationally recognized and we will continue to fight for all South Africans as they deserve a better government in South Africa.’’ It added.


Pictured: Natasha Mazzone (Courtesy: Parliament)

Done By: Mitchum George

A 45-year-old pastor has been found guilty of raping a hitch-hiker, taking her clothes and leaving her naked in the bushes after violating her.

A 45 year old pastor who threatened a hitchhiker at gunpoint has been convicted of rape and robbery in the Witbank regional court in Mpumalanga.

Police said Chris Derrick Gabisani Xaba, had offered his 39-year-old victim a lift in  December 2019. The woman desperate to get to Nelspruit accepted what appeared at the time to be generous offer.

Police spokesperson Brig Leonard Hlathi said as soon as the woman got inside the car, Xaba said he needed to collect other commuters who were heading in the same direction. A Little while later Xaba drove to a secluded area at a farm near Witbank, took out a firearm and threatened to kill the woman if she did not co-operate. After brullally raping the girl he robbed her of her personal belonging, including the clothes she was wearing, then shot a fire into the air to scare the victim before leaving.

The traumatised victim somehow managed to go to a nearby house where she was offered help and taken to the nearest police station. A case of rape and robbery was opened but the suspect was only apprehended 3 months later.

Police allegedly found him in possession of two stolen cars. They also discovered Xaba was out on bail in another rape case registered against him in Kwaggafontein in December 2019.

On Thursday Xaba was convicted of rape and robbery, he will be sentenced march 17 2021.

by Everngelista Muza

Two weeks left to apply for 2022 school year

With less than 2 weeks before the deadline for the admissions of the 2022 school year, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is urging parents and caregivers to apply if they haven’t done so already.

In total, 180 080 applications have been processed by 54 236 registered parents and caregivers.

‘’So far, we have exceeded the number of applications received from the same time last year – with 83 704 more applications processed by day 12 of the online admissions process in comparison to 2020,’’ says Education MEC, Debbie Schafer.

the WCED 2022 admissions application system will close on midnight, on the 26th of March 2021.

Applications can be made either online or through a paper-based application process should a parent not have access to technology.  The WCED admissions website:


Parents must apply to at least 3 schools, including the ones closest to your home, and order their preference on the system.


Parents will be asked to submit the following supporting documents:

·        The last official school Report Card

·        ID, Birth certificate, passport of the learner; or

·        A study permit (foreign learners); or

·        Proof of application (study permit) or a police affidavit

·        Immunisation card (Road to Health Chart) [Primary Schools Only]

·        Proof of Residence (Rates account, Lease agreement, an affidavit confirming residence).

Parents then have 7 days to drop off hard copies of the documents to the schools to complete the process, and any other forms that a specific school may require.  


Schools are able to capture applications of undocumented learners. Parents are advised to submit such applications directly to schools for capturing.


The WCED has created two video tutorials to assist parents to navigate both the registration and application process online:


How to register on the website:


How to apply online:


Done By: Mitchum George

LEAP officers permanently deployed to Mitchells Plain

Additional Law Enforcement Advancement Plan (LEAP) law enforcement officers have been deployed on a permanent basis to Mitchells Plain.

Their deployment, says Community Safety MEC, Albert Fritz, will assist in reducing gangsterism and violent crime such as murder.

The deployment of the additional LEAP officers has been made possible through the Western Cape Safety Plan which aims to halve murders in the province over the next decade.

As of October 2020, LEAP officers were redeployed to five communities which include Philippi, Delft, Nyanga, Khayelitsha and Bishop Lavis.   “LEAP members have now been deployed permanently to Mitchells Plain to assist the South African Police Service (SAPS) to stabilize the recent increase in murders in the area. This makes Mitchells Plain the sixth area to receive LEAP deployments in the Cape Town Metropole. These officers will work in an integrated manner with SAPS.” Said Fritz.

“Going forward, the Mitchells Plain contingent of law enforcement will be topped up with additional LEAP officers during the coming weeks. The top up is made possible through the appointment of additional law enforcement officers who will serve to bolster law enforcement and SAPS’ response to crime in Mitchells Plain.” Added Fritz.


Done By: Mitchum George

King Goodwill Zwelithini has died

King Goodwill Zwelithini of the Zulu nation has died.

IFP founder and traditional prime minister to the Zulu monarch, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, confirmed the tragic news in a statement issued on Friday morning.

“It is with the utmost grief that I inform the nation of the passing of His Majesty King Goodwill Zwelithini ka Bhekuzulu, king of the Zulu nation.

“Tragically, while still in hospital, His Majesty’s health took a turn for the worse and he subsequently passed away in the early hours of this morning.”

Buthelezi said the royal family thanked the nation for “your continued prayers and support in this most difficult time. May His Majesty our King rest in peace.”

Last Friday, Buthelezi said the king was making progress in hospital.

He was admitted to the intensive care unit in a private hospital last month after “several unstable glucose readings”.

President Cyril Ramaphosa said he is saddened by the news of the passing.

“This sad news come at a time when we had all been hopeful that His Majesty was recovering well in hospital where he had been over the past few weeks.’’

“His Majesty will be remembered as a much-loved, visionary monarch who made an important contribution to cultural identity, national unity and economic development in KwaZulu-Natal and through this, to the development of our country as a whole,” the President added.


Picture: Goodwill Zwelithini
(Courtesy: IFP)

Done By: Mitchum George

Slain Wesbank boy laid to rest

The little boy from Wesbank who was tragically killed whilst asleep, will be laid to rest on Saturday morning. Four-year-old Davin Afrika ...