Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Cape Town dam levels exceed 100% mark

Thanks to recent heavy rainfall in the Mother City, the metro’s dam levels have surpassed the 100% mark.

According to the latest figures, Cape Town dam levels are currently at 101.6% full. This is a 2.7% increase from last week’s 98.9%. At the same time last year, dam levels were at 90,3%.

Daily water consumption for the same period in the metro increased to 738 million litres per day, compared to 718 million litres the week before.

The municipality said that dams supplying Cape Town have for the second year running made the 100% mark – this year sooner than in 2020, when dams hit full capacity in October. Prior to that, dams were last full in 2014.

The Western Cape’s Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning MEC, Anton Bredell, says dam levels for the province continues to see record high levels for this time of year.

The average dam level for dams in the Western Cape has increased to 81.42% (2020: 71.7%).

“We continue to see increases in most dams across the province. The dams providing water to the City of Cape Town at record levels, currently at 101% full. In August 2016 the level was 56% and heading for record low levels later in that year.”

The City’s mayco member for water and sanitation, Xanthea Limberg, urged consumers to continue using water sparingly.

‘’While the robust dam levels are certainly something to be thankful for, we cannot afford to become complacent in our ambitions for water security, and reducing reliance on surface (rainfall) water. The City continues to pursue its New Water Programme and the commitments laid out in its Water Strategy, come rain or shine.’’


Done By: Mitchum George

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