Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Two beaches in Camps Bay temporarily closed

Maiden’s Cove and Glen Beach in Camps Bay have been temporarily closed due to a collapsed collector sewer that caused an overflow on to the beach.

The City said various City departments were activated to respond to the incident, which included taking samples to confirm if there was any risk to the public. The City said a suction tanker was commissioned to relieve the overflow and contain the spillage in preparation for a maintenance team to do repairs.

Camps Bay resident Byron Herbert said the history of what was currently happening in respect of the Marine Outfall Point (MOP) had, been well documented and the City had been defensive as to its contested legal rights allowing it to pump untreated sewage into the sea.

Dr Jo Barnes from the Stellenbosch University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences said said the City blamed inhabitants for disposing waste in the wrong places, thus blocking the system, but was guilty of disposing huge amounts of sewage into the sea in an equally inappropriate manner.

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