Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Jacob Zuma refuses to be examined by NPA doctors.

Former president, Jacob Zuma has refused to be examined by NPA doctors because he feels like he is tired of his ill health issues being met with distrust, the Jacob Gedleyehlekisa Zuma foundation says.  It was reported earlier this month that Zuma’s advocate, Dali Mpofu came into full agreement with KwaZulu Natal High Court in Pietermaritzburg, Judge Piet Koen that the state may grant a medical practitioner of its choice to assess the health and the ability of the former president to stand his corruption trial

However, the JG Zuma foundation spokesperson, Mzwanele Manyi has accused the state of “second guessing” the report that was produced by military doctors who were responsible for Zuma’s care. "They are saying [to the military doctors]: we don’t believe you… your professional integrity means nothing," Manyi said. "What nonsense is this?"

"I haven’t heard the case from the NPA to say why this is necessary," he said, adding that the State "must show that they (the military doctors) are being dishonest". 

“But when president Zuma says, 'I am not well', there’s some second guessing of sorts. This is a problem… The attitude of president Zuma is informed by a pattern of what has been happening…for some reason authorities, particularly in the judiciary space, tend not to believe him”. Manyi concluded

Done By - Yandisa Qwabe 

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