Monday, May 16, 2022

Police to investigate sexual exploitation allegation of minor in Parklands

South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) officially laid a complaint with police following allegation of ongoing sexual exploitation and abuse of minors in Parklands, Cape Town.

According to the organisation this comes after a recent incident involving teenaged girls allegedly being sexually exploited by foreign national in the area in exchange for money.

Sanco provincial co-ordinator Buntu Gwija said: “The ongoing sexual exploitation of young women in Parklands has been going on for way too long. We can’t be condoning or keeping silent while young girls are abused and exploited by individuals in the area.

 “They are taking advantage of these young women’s vulnerability and perpetrating statutory rape because a young child under the age of 16 cannot consent to sex,” he said.

Gwija said Sanco’s next step was to engage with several government bodies, and other Civil Society Organisations (CSO) to fight against sex predators in the community.

Police stated that detective were investigating the matter as they have yet to register a criminal case. Political parties and politicians said that they stand in support of the movement and urgently call on police to investigate the case.

CSO, the South African Youth Council (SYC), in the Western Cape said that it was delighted to learn that community structures had formally laid a complaint, for investigation.

 “Similarly, we will be exploring collaborations within our member organisations to roll out awareness campaigns and programmes around mental health, human trafficking, drug abuse and related matters. These programmes will be targeting adolescents,” SYC said.


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