Thursday, July 19, 2012

Steven Otter case still pending

Lusanda Bill
19 July 2012

Today the Labour Court heard the matter between former Department of Transport and Public Works Media Liaison Steven Otter and the Western Cape government, specifically MEC of Transport and Public Works Robin Carlisle.

Steven Otter has claimed that he was fired from his post because he was a vegetarian and did not consume alcohol, which resulted in him being transferred to another department.  

Otter’s lawyers today stated in court that it was unlawful for Otter to be transferred because of his dress code and diet.

Numerous emails were transferred between Steven Otter and Hector Elliot, Head of Department and head of MEC’s office.  In one email Otter stated that if transferred it would mean a drop in salary to R4, 500 and a drop in job status, meaning he would not be able to report directly to the MEC.

The defence lawyer representing MEC Robin Carlisle and Hector Elliot stated that there are compatibility issues.

The Judge hearing the case stated her concerns on whether the proper procedures were followed when transferring the applicant (Steven Otter).

The defence lawyer stated that the applicant was told of a possible transfer on the 22nd of May 2012.

Steven Otter was on a fixed contract with two more years left of his contract at the Department of Transport and Public Works.

Judgement has been reserved.

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