Tuesday, June 04, 2013

DA: President Zuma has a growing list empty promises

Imogen Vollenhoven
4 June 2013

The Democratic Alliance today said President Jacob Zuma’s list of empty promises on government’s plan to deal with the crisis of youth unemployment continues to grow.

DA MP of Finance Tim Harris said South African’s cannot continue to wait on empty promises. 

The DA will on Wednesday be demanding that the Minister of Finance Pravin Gordan to set a deadline for the implementation of the Youth Employment Tax Incentive. 

Harris said that the DA believes that the President has a growing list of empty promises on youth employment.

“We heard that in Japan he said government would be reconsidering the youth wage subsidy policy, we also heard that February from the Finance Minister and have yet to see any action on that front,” added Harris.

He also highlighted that they will hold the President and the Finance Minister to account in parliament to ensure that they actually implement some of these ideas to create jobs for the millions of unemployed young people in South Africa.

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