Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Western Cape EMS crew gun pointed in Khayelitsha

An EMS ambulance crew were gun pointed in Greenpoint, Khayelitsha on Saturday. Two male officials were on their way back to their base when an attempted robbery occurred. Fortunately, there were no physical injuries and the officials managed to pull away from the scene on time.

“We will continue to work with communities in the Western Cape to ensure that they understand that these kinds of crimes pose a threat to paramedics’ well-being, especially during these dire times. They should work closely with us to eradicate this criminal behaviour by reporting assaults to the police,” says EMS Director, Dr Shaheem de Vries.

In a separate incident on Sunday, EMS personnel responded to a head on collision, motor vehicle accident on La Belle road in Stikland, Bellville. 15 patients were injured when a taxi and a bakkie collided. There were fourteen male patients and one female patient. The patients were transported to various hospitals.

‘’One of the patients were seriously injured and the rest of the patients sustained mild injuries. Fortunately, there were no fatalities. A total of six ambulances responded to the incident and the first ambulance arrived at the scene at 08:39,’’ said Deanna Bessick, Communications Officer at the Western Cape Government’s Emergency Medical Services & Forensic Pathology Services


Done By: Mitchum George

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