Saturday, January 20, 2024

CoCT & TMNParks suspects arson could be the cause of recent Cape fires

The Table Mountain National Park and the City of Cape Town has appealed to residents to report any suspicious activity within the Table Mountain National Park or near any City facility, following numerous fires over the last few days, which the two entities suspects, may be linked to arson.

PHOTO: Facebook - JP Smith

Fires raged at the City's water treatment works at the Steenbras dam above Gordon's Bay and the Kleinplass reservoir on Thursday, whilst South African National Parks (SANParks) has recorded unprecedented levels of fires. Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) said it recorded twenty-two fires in the first 18 days of 2024.

‘’A concerning pattern has emerged with the majority of recent fires occurring in the southern section of the TMNP, namely in the Kalk Bay, Ocean View and Redhill areas, as well as in the north of the park, in the Signal Hill and Pipe Track areas. Fires in these areas can pose a significant risk to communities living adjacent to the park, particularly with the hot temperatures and strong wind conditions currently being experienced,’’ TNNP said in a statement.

Enviro Wildfire Pty Ltd - Western Cape, conducted investigations and found that some of these fires were started deliberately.

·        Kalk Bay Fire – Malicious Intent

The fire above Boyes Drive in Kalk Bay, which started on 17 January 2024, burnt approximately 73 hectares of veld, and was contained (i.e. stopped spreading) at 21h45 with the collaborative efforts of over 115 firefighters, management staff, three Huey Helicopters, an AT 802 air tractor bomber, and a spotter plane. Firefighters are still busy dealing with flare ups from hotspots in this fire area.

·        Slangkop (Ocean View) Fire – Malicious intent

A veldfire erupted in the Ocean View area at approximately 17h15 on 18 January 2024. Preliminary reports suggest the use of dry cut alien vegetation, potentially ignited with a cigarette lighter was the cause of the fire.

·        Pinehaven Fire – Malicious intent

This fire started between Pinehaven and Da Gama and spread towards Scarborough at approximately 23h30 on 18 January 2024. Current indicators strongly suggest that the Pinehaven fire was ignited with malicious intent. Further investigation is underway.


PHOTO: Facebook - SANParks - Table Mountain National Park

SANParks says it will be on standby throughout the Summer season for any eventualities

A strong partnership with City of Cape Town and Provincial Disaster Management ensures joint response to fires of consequence. Efforts are underway to increase patrols in the south, where many fires have occurred.

The Mayco Member for Safety & Security, JP Smith, has condemned attempts to disrupt service delivery. Smith says firefighters had received a call for a fire close to Pinehaven, on the peak of Redhill Rd in Simonstown, just before midnight on Thursday.

‘’Crews responding to the fire line became suspicious of a vehicle hurriedly leaving the area upon the arrival of the first fire engine. With the fire dangerously close to the water treatment works of the Kleinplass reservoir, teams battled throughout the night, and additional aerial support was requested at first light,’’ said Smith.

The MMC said the blaze has since been extinguished.

The City & Table Mountain National Parks urged the public to be vigilant and report any fires or suspicious activity immediately.

‘’Information in the form of pin locations, photographs and/or video clips of the early stages of any fire occurring within the Park is very valuable for an investigation into the cause of the fire in order for investigators to reconstruct the sequence of events on behalf of South African National Parks. The public is urged not to make fires, even in designated areas, when wind conditions are very strong due to the risk of fires spreading,’’ said TMNP in a statement.

‘’Damage to critical infrastructure can carry a prison sentence of up to twenty years, of those found damaging such vital aspects of the City's water supply network. The City is offering a reward for information that will lead to the arrest of any person responsible for the fire that threatened either of the Steenbrass or Kleinvlei water treatment facilities,’’ said JP Smith, MMC for Safety & Security.

Any person with information or who observes suspicious activity within the TMNP or any of the City's facilities should report it immediately to the PECC by calling 021 480 7700. Fires and illegal activity in Table Mountain National Park can also be reported to the emergency number on 086 110 6417 or the Newlands Fire Base on 021 689 7438.


Done By: Mitchum George

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