Friday, June 14, 2013

DA: ANC should descipline MP Motshekga for sexist comments

Imogen Vollenhoven
14June 2013

The Democratic Alliance Deputy Chief Whip Sandy Kalyan said the African National Congress Chief Whip Mathole Motshekga must discipline ANC MPs for sexist comments. 

This follows the comments made by ANC MP John Jeffreys and Buti Manamela directed at DA Parliamentary Leader Lindiwe Mazibuko. 

Kalyan said that it lowers the decorum in the house and it is unparliamentarily to refer to a member in terms of the way they dress and off course the weight was one of the comments that was made negatively.

“I will be asking the ANC chief whip formally to reign in his members and that these members should withdraw their comments because they are unparliamentarily and it denigrates the decorum in the house,” added Kalyan.

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