Wednesday, June 04, 2014

ACDP raises concerns of slow accreditation for social workers

Oscar Thomas
04 June 2014

The African Christian Democratic Party has raised concerns of the slow pace in accreditation of social workers to render adoption services. 

ACDP MP Cheryllyn Dudley said the accreditation process should be streamlined and dealt with in an acceptable time frame of not more than six weeks. 

Dudley said theres more than 2 million children waiting to be adopted in South Africa. According to the Salvation Army many of the children end up products of human trafficking if they not cared for properly. Studies have shown that it’s not a frequent choice among families to adopt children.

“This is the reason why national adoption organizations have set out to create awareness through emotionally compelling radio and TV campaigns aimed at finding loving to adopt orphans and abandoned children Dudley added.

Meanwhile the Commission for Gender Equality agrees with the Minister of Social Development Bathabile Dlamini that challenges facing children is not the responsibility of government alone but society at large. 

CGE Spokesperson Javu Baloyi said as we observe Child Protection Week we should continue to raise awareness of the plight of children and their rights as enshrined in the Constitution. 
Baloyi said we are baffled by the case of gender based violence, under age marriages, teenage pregnancies and other forms of gender based violence against children.

“We want all South Africans to respect the rights of children and ensure that a peaceful environment is created for our children to progress positively as they are the future Baloyi added.  

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