Saturday, November 15, 2014

ACDP condemns publishing of school fees name and shame

Oscar Thomas
15 November 2014

The African Christian Democratic Party in the Western Cape has condemned actions of several schools for naming and shaming pupils who have not paid their schools fees. 

Last week it was reported that Mandalay Primary School principal Eddie Swarts had resorted to naming and shaming 41 Grade 7 pupils who had outstanding school fees by publishing their names in the school newsletter. 

The provincial Education Department said it is investigating the incident. 

ACDP Provincial Leader Ferlon Christians said There are 786 schools affected by non-payment and the Western Cape Education Department has had to folk out R44 million to resolve the matter.

Christians said although we do not condone non-payment, we are aware that we live in a country where 25% of the population is unemployed.

Christians said this does not excuse any principal to name and shame their students, as it is clearly the responsibility of their parents.

Christians said Parents should take their children and their schooling more seriously and make arrangements to pay what is owed to schools.

“This is a matter of ownership a parent should be responsible enough to take ownership of the wellbeing of their children Christians added.

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