Thursday, November 20, 2014

Western Cape Department of Health warns of job scam

Oscar Thomas
20 November 2014
The Western Cape Department of Health has warned against a job scam making the rounds affecting various hospitals including Helderberg, Valkenberg, Groote Schuur and Lentegeur. 
The scam has had an effect as people are flocking to the various hospitals for the job. 
The Departments Sithembiso Magubane said The Western Cape Health Department has issued a warning that four state hospitals have been targeted by a fake job scam.
Magubane said as part of the ruse, random SMSs are sent to people asking them to deposit money into an account in order to secure work.
Magubane said the fake jobs were also advertised for in local newspapers.
The Department is warning the public to be extra careful when applying for a job and to report any suspicious activity to the police. 
The scam is now under investigation by the police.
The Departments Sithembiso Magubane said the hospitals that have been affected so far are Helderberg Hospital, Valkenberg Hospital, Groote Schuur Hospital and Lentegeur Hospital.
“The best thing to do is ignore it as we ask people to be aware of this Magubane added.

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