Friday, November 28, 2014

DA calls on ministers to act against major backlog

Loyiso Langeni
28 November 2014

The Democratic Alliance said it will write to Minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledi, and Minister of Police Nkosinathi Ntleko, to appoint a task team that will investigate the major backlog of blood alcohol tests, at the three National Forensic Chemistry Laboratories, in the lead up to the festive season.

DA MP of Health Wilmot James said when we have a delay like that it makes impossible for the country to prosecutor successfully or to prosecute at all when it comes to drunk and driving.

James added that this has caused a major problem in our justice system and we believe that 11 month long delay is unacceptable.

“We cannot allow drunk driving to go unpunished due to administrative backlogs,” James said.

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