Friday, November 28, 2014

ACDP welcomes racial addressing of UCT students

Oscar Thomas 28 November 2014

The African Christian Democratic Party Western Cape leader, Ferlon Christians MPP, welcomes the action taken by UCT vice-chancellor, Dr Price, in addressing all students and staff with a letter concerning the racial abuse by UCT students.

Christians said The ACDP agrees with his statement that there will never be any justification for racial attacks of any nature.

Christians said though the ACDP does severely condemn these attacks, we also feel that the students, in a cognitive rationale of historical events, are immature, and that the correct punishment should be handed down in light of this.

Christians said these attacks have also shown that victims can act with decorum in addressing the matter and handling the situation in the proper manner.

“Despite 20 years of democracy, the fact that issues such as these are still around is just an indication of how much harder we should work on repairing ills of the past Christians added.

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