Saturday, November 15, 2014

ANC calls for Police to be more visible

Oscar Thomas
15 November 2014

The African National Congress in the Western Cape has called for more police visibility. 

This is after seventeen-year-old Justin Langley was hacked to death in Uitsig and his uncle Barren Langley was stabbed 19 times and died in hospital on Thursday. 

Another incident was three people were wounded in Bonteheuwel during gang shooting in the area. 

ANC’s Yonela Diko said were the most under-staffed in the country, with resources declining despite a recruitment drive which will see 547 new police officers street ready in 2016.

Diko said violent crime in the province is still far too high, with the province being the murder capital of South Africa with a ratio of 52.1 murders per 100 thousand.

Diko said the rate of crime in the province would be vastly improved if SAPS in the Eastern Cape was better resourced.

"The crisis with the lack of functional vehicles at police stations in this province is a direct cause of our high rate of crime in the Western Cape
Diko added.

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