Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Groote Schuur Hospital CEO retires after serving 23 years at the hospital

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Groote Schuur Hospital, Dr Bhavna Patel, will wear her coat for the final time on Wednesday.

Patel, who worked at the public hospital for 23 years, started as a public health registrar and has served in various senior management positions at the hospital. In 2013, she was appointed as CEO of Groote Schuur Hospital.

PHOTO - WCDoH&W: Outgoing CEO of Groote Schuur Hospital, Dr. Bhavna Patel

In a statement, spokesperson for the hospital, Alaric Jacobs, described her as ‘’one of the true legends in the public health system in the Western Cape.’’

‘’During her tenure, Dr Patel has been pivotal in leading the hospital through a period of growth, innovation, and challenges, such the COVID-19 pandemic, where Groote Schuur was a beacon of hope for many patients. She was also instrumental in building many lasting relationships with donors, the private health sector, the Hospital Board, and other stakeholders, who will continue to support the hospital’s future strategic goals.’’

‘’As a champion of building a strong leadership culture, Dr Patel also initiated a leadership development programme for the hospital’s management team, which has grown from strength to strength. This investment in leadership will ensure that she leaves a lasting legacy. Throughout her career, Dr Patel also achieved seven degrees, and graduated with her PhD in Leadership in 2022. She will also be remembered for her unwavering commitment and dedication to her staff and one of her major investments in staff wellbeing was the opening of the Groote Schuur Hospital Staff Wellness Unit,’’ added Jacobs.

Dr Patel also opened the Neonatal Unit in 2015, the new hospital entrance in 2021, and the Adolescents Unit in 2022.

Reflecting on her immense contribution over the past 23 years, Dr Patel expressed her appreciation to her colleagues, the Groote Schuur Hospital team, and the people of the Western Cape

“I am truly humbled and honoured to have served this wonderful institution and communities of the Western Cape and wish to express my deepest gratitude to all my colleagues, staff, and patients for the opportunity to be CEO of Groote Schuur Hospital. I leave with many fond memories of the last 23 years and have built friendships that will continue forever. I also believe that I leave our hospital well positioned to overcome any challenges and face the many opportunities to remain a national and international leader in healthcare. It has been a privilege to have served you.”

Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness Head, Dr Keith Cloete, says Dr Patel served the people of the Western Cape and beyond, with distinction,

‘’Groote Schuur Hospital has achieved many remarkable milestones in the delivery of high quality, world-class healthcare services during her tenure. Dr Patel has led the hospital team with impeccable leadership and grace. She leaves a legacy of excellence in public service. She is widely respected for her invaluable contribution on many fronts in the Department. It has been a great honour for me to have worked with her as colleague and friend over the years. I wish her well in her retirement.


The hospital said the announcement of the incoming CEO will be announced soon.

Done By: Mitchum George

Man arrested for murder of M/Plain teen caught in gang crossfire

Western Cape police have made a breakthrough regarding the murder of a teenage girl in Mitchell’s Plain.

PICTURE: Pixabay

Police confirmed that a 27-year-old man has been arrested on Wednesday afternoon, in connection with the murder of a 12-year-old girl, Firdous Kleinsmidt, who was caught in a crossfire between rival gangs in Beacon Valley, on Tuesday morning. According to reports, she was shot and killed by a stray bullet at the Ieglaasi Nieyah Primary School. The school sent out an alert for parents to fetch their child(ren) from the school following the shooting.

‘’Sterling, around the clock investigative work by the investigating officer Detective Sergeant Bradley Schuurman who is attached to Anti-Gang Unit led to the arrest of a 27 year old male this afternoon (Wednesday, 2024-01-31) in Eastridge, Mitchells Plain on a charge of murder,’’ said Warrant Officer Joseph Swartbooi.

The arrested suspect will appear in the Mitchells Plain Magistrates court on Friday on the mentioned charge.

The Western Cape's police Oversight & Community Safety MEC, Reagen Allen, welcomed the arrest.

''The suspect should provide all details for this unnecessary and senseless incident. There was no need to lose her life in this manner. I once again urge SAPS to apply the POCA so that the suspect faces additional charges. Should there be any application for bail, I urge the judge to deny it, as we cannot have characters such as these roaming our streets.''


Done by: Alungile Njemla

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

South Africans must prepare for an unpredictable 2024 - PMG

The Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG) has warned South Africans to prepare for an unpredictable 2024.

The warning comes as politicians rush to round off bills and parliamentary processes ahead of the elections.

According to the PMG, the Sixth Parliament term ends in mid-May and according to the Constitution, elections must take place within 90 days after that, so an election is possible between May and the middle of August.

The PMG noted that there are currently 54 Bills in Parliament which will likely be getting “last-minute” attention from committees and MPs.

“This is in keeping with previous cycles where a significant number of Bills are passed in the dying days of a parliamentary session,” the group said. “Given the time constraints, it’s worth wondering if these outstanding bills will be subjected to proper scrutiny and ultimately survive any constitutional challenge.”

PMG said all this would be happening while politicians are distracted by campaigning and political parties trying to one-up each other to win public support.

“This means plenty more finger-pointing, squabbles, grandstanding, brinkmanship, jousting, endless promises and sound bites,” it said.


Done by: Alungile Njemla

Voter registration kicks off for inmates

Voter registrations for prisoners kicked off on Tuesday, and the Electoral Commission (IEC) is calling on all inmates to take advantage of registration opportunities at their facilities to make them eligible to vote in the 2024 general elections.

The IEC says it is working with the Department of Correctional Services, and urged families of inmates to deliver identity documents (IDs) to correctional centres. 

‘’Acknowledging that a number of offenders do not keep IDs in their possession, family members are thus requested to make the necessary arrangements by delivering any of the following forms of identification: green barcoded ID, smartcard ID, or valid temporary identification certificate (TIC) to correctional facilities,’’ said Sy Mamabolo, Chief Electoral Officer.

‘’The Electoral Commission has been informed that, due to the transfer factor for inmates, Correctional Centres will also be accepting IDs for inmates serving sentences in distant towns or provinces. These IDs will be transferred to the relevant facilities where inmates are incarcerated. The Department of Correctional Services has indicated that it will put all necessary measures in place to ensure that IDs are kept safe,’’ he added.

PHOTO: GCIS Mpumalanga: Witbank Correctional Services 

Mamabolo said eligible inmates will be permitted to apply for voter registration against the voting district in which their home address falls.

‘’The Electoral Commission urges all eligible inmates to participate in the upcoming 2024 National and Provincial elections by updating their voter registration details or registering as voters,’’ said Sy Mamabolo, Chief Electoral Officer.

The Western Cape Provincial Electoral Officer, Michael Hendrickse, echoed Mambolo’s sentiments.

‘’Registration Officers will visit prisons in the province managed by Correctional Services and inmates will be registered to vote in the municipality in which they resided prior to incarceration.‘’

Voter registration takes place from January 30 – February 1, 2024 at correctional facilities across the province.

To be eligible to register, a prisoner must:

· Be a South African citizen;

· Be 16 years of age or older;

· Possess a green bar-coded identity document, smart card or a valid Temporary Identity Certificate;

· Apply in person with his/her identity document to a Registration Officer appointed by the Commission for that purpose.


Done By: Mitchum George

Over five million travelers were processed through South African borders over the festive period - BMA

Over five million travelers were processed through South African borders over the festive period. This was revealed by The Border Management Authority Commissioner, Dr Mike Masiapato. who briefed the media on Sunday, on its festive season plan which was implemented from the 6th of December 2023 to the 18th of January 2024.

The mandate of the Border Management Authority (BMA) is to facilitate and manage the legitimate movement of people and goods across South Africa’s 71 ports of entry of which 52 are land, 10 are international airports and 9 are seaports.

‘’Let’s start on immigration matters, as the BMA we managed to facilitate the legitimate movement of about 5 096 288 travellers across our 71 ports of entry between 6 Dec 2023 to 18 Jan 2024. This number represent an increase of 1 million travellers compared to the 2022/2023 number of 4 million travellers. However, this number of travellers is still 1 million less to the pre-Covid average numbers of about 6 million travellers. In facilitating the movement of these travellers were processed over 216 594 private vehicles, 21 502 mini-bus taxis, 6 443 buses and 55 765 trucks through our movement control system.’’

‘’Further, we processed over 13 050 aircrafts through our international airports and about 709 vessels across at our seaports. In addition, about 407 vessels were processed for crew changes through the off-port limit mechanism (which means crew changes without a vessel docking at port) in our maritime environment. In this festive period, OR Tambo International Airport facilitated the majority of travellers at about 993 759, followed by Lebombo land port of entry to Mozambique at 755 066, followed by Beitbridge land port of entry to Zimbabwe at 745 563 travellers.’’

PHOTO - X: @GovernmentZA: BMA commissioner, Mike Masiapato

Masiapato said ORTIA registered an increase of 22% in traveller volume, Lebombo registered a 24% increase while Beit Bridge registered a 25% increase, Compared to the 2022/2023 festive period. He added that about 15 900 individuals attempted to enter the country illegally

‘’In this instance, after intercepting them, we took their fingerprints, declared them undesirable and banned them from re-entering South African for a period of 5 years and keep the record in the Biometric Movement Control System and got them deported. The majority of these individuals were intercepted at and around Lebombo land port of entry at 6 808, followed by Beit Bridge land port of entry at 1 891. Further, about 6 455 travellers were denied entry into South Africa for being undesirable, these include individuals who committed crimes in other countries and appear in the INTERPOL red list. In addition, about 4 626 travellers were refused entry for being inadmissible.’’

‘’These include individuals with invalid passports, fraudulent visas or just failed to produce valid yellow fever certificates while travelling from yellow fever endemic countries. Therefore, in the 43 days of this festive period, when adding the numbers of undocumented (15 924), the undesirables (6 455) and those that were inadmissibles (4 626), it is a total of 27 005 individuals who were deported while attempting to enter South Africa illegally. During this period, we observed an increased detection rate of the undesirables and this is due to increased utilisation of the Biometric Movement Control Systems (BMCS) after the Department of Home Affairs increased its roll out across the ports of entry. As a contemporary movement control system, the BMCS allows our officials to capture the biometric data of travellers.’’  

Masiapato raised concerns about some public transporters who continue to transport illegal migrants across South Africa’s ports of entry and border law enforcement areas. 

‘’During this period, we imposed about 98 administrative fines to various conveyancers especially bus companies to the value of R3 540 000 for transporting illegal migrants at the cost of R15 000 per person as per section 50 (3) of the Immigration Act of 2002. At the same time, we were able to collect about R 9, 8 million in outstanding fines from about 25 bus companies. Further, we also held a meeting with about 30 bus companies which transport people in and out of South Africa and implored them to stop transporting illegal migrants into South Africa.’’

‘’In this regard, they have committed to ensure that valid passports would be required from all travelers when procuring cross border tickets and for entering into the bus on travel day.  We further engaged the leadership of Cross Border Road Transport Agency (CBRTA) and agreed that bus companies should comply with the conditions of their cross-border permits, otherwise, such permits would be withdrawn. In this regard, we would like to call upon all law-abiding conveyancers to partner with the officials of BMA and expose those perennial law breakers. As the BMA, we would like to commend the sterling work of the law enforcement authorities in the neighboring countries and other parts of the continent who continue to intercept, arrest and deport illegal migrants in their territories destined for South Africa,’’ added Masiapato.

The Commisioner said more than 200 suspects were arrested for various crimes and confiscated about 4 tube boats which were used by facilitators to aid illegal migrants from crossing rivers into South Africa.

‘’In addition, various types of illicit drugs were confiscated that include 1.4 kg of chrystal meth, commonly known as tik, 3,5 kg dagga, 4-gram heroin, 24 mandrax tablets, 10 tablets of dapoxetine. The Border Guards also participated in over 451 roadblocks which were conducted at the requisite corridors within the 10 km radius from the ports of entry. A further 4 638 foot and vehicle patrols were conducted across all modalities in both ports of entry and the vulnerable segments of the borderline.’’  

He added the BMA personnel intercepted and seized a number of unauthorised consignments of Crayfish, canned meat products, infested tinned gammon ham, wheat beer, Hazelnut paste, hatching poultry eggs, packs of water and various other plants and animals such as canines.

‘’In this regard, we would like to commend the majority of travellers for headed our call to avoid bringing alien invasive species as well as foreign pests associated with plants, animal products and other regulated goods into South Africa. In this regard, it should be noted that the importation of plants and or animals and or their respective products is highly regulated and requires the requisite sanitary and phytosanitary certifications by the relevant government departments for presentation at the ports of entry.’’

On Port Health matters, and Following the outbreak of cholera in Zimbabwe, Malawi and some parts of Zambia, the BMA port health team intensified its screening activities at the Beit Bridge border post. As such, a case of cholera was detected at Beit Bridge and was handed over to the Limpopo health authorities for further examination and treatment. Masiapato said a total of 2 394 persons were cleared and granted a clean bill of health in various vessels at SA’s maritime environment.

‘’Therefore, in order to protect South Africa from any kind of microbiological, chemical, communicable and or infectious diseases, including any kind of physical environmental hazards, all returning travellers presenting signs of illness or symptoms should visit their nearest health facilities or their private doctors for consultation with the intention to fully disclose their travel history,’’ said Dr Mike Masiapato, Border Management Authority Commissioner.


Done By: Mitchum George

ANC alliance against Western Cape Provincial Powers Bill

The Africa National Congress has accused the Democratic Alliance of wanting to preserve Apartheid, in relation to the Western Cape Provincial Powers Bill.

The DA said the bill aims to empower provincial and local governments to address issues where the national government has failed to deliver services to residents. Some of those functions include policing, rail, energy and trade.

The ANC in the Western Cape, alongside its alliances, comprising of South African Communist Party (SACP), Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), and the South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO), held a media briefing on Friday, 26 January 2024, regarding their stance on the bill.

PHOTO - Muhammad Khalid Sayed: ANC with its alliance partners

Leading the briefing, ANC Provincial Deputy Secretary Ayanda Bans, claims the Bill is, what she calls, a farce and the public hearings a ruse.

‘’The DA is forcing public hearings despite three legal opinions from advocates appointed by the DA in the Legislature, advising them in no uncertain terms that their proposed Powers Bill:

• Does not have the legislative competence or constitutional authority to develop, propose and enact this Bill. • Provides no constitutional premises upon which its legislative authority is predicated. The Bill is therefore illegitimate and invalid. • The Bill itself does not disclose the legal basis for its own existence, and • The subject-matter of the Powers Bill is not in the legislative competence of the Province.

Over and above the legal advice, the fundamental basis for rejecting the Powers Bill is the reality that at the heart of the Powers Bill is the building of an apartheid Zionist Western Cape by the DA-Capexit alliance. Such an envisaged apartheid Zionist Western Cape’s basic tenets will include key amongst other things; divide the national population and creation of enclaves of privilege and misery for the people of the Western Cape, resuscitation of the discriminatory apartheid system along racial lines, deepening of inequality and indignity of poverty.’’

Bans says the alliance parties rejects the bill, as the socio-economic issues in the province is already struggling.

‘’If the sprawling squatter camps, homelessness in the Cape flats, escalating crime, extortions, corruption, school underperformance, continued un-placement of learners in schools, overcrowding in schools and deteriorating public health facilities, unemployment and poverty are not evidence of the of the neo-liberal DA’s incompetence, the farce concocted by the DA Capexit alliance constitutive of the right wing  Cape Independence Advocacy Group (CIAG), ACDP, and Freedom Front Plus is the perilous future.’’

‘’Yet, with almost 14 years of uninterrupted governance in the Western Cape and an average of R2,5 trillion to work with over said period, yet the Gini coefficient in Western Cape remains at 0.62. Presently, the Western Cape is characterised by asset and income inequality and spatial segregation that perpetuates the tale of two cities. The 16 per cent White demographic enjoys the lion’s share of the Western Cape’s R654 billion Gross Domestic Product. And, after 14 years of electoral dominance and armed with an annual fiscal budget of R303,36 billion, managed respectively by the Western Cape government and the City of Cape Town in particular, there comes a claim that National government is unwilling to provide services to the people of the Western Cape. We are therefore, convinced as the ANC headed alliance that the colonial apartheid imagination is ever present in the political DNA of the of the DA,’’ she added.

Bans highlighted that millions are spent on sectors such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure, but little to no progress were made

‘’Further, the farce that this Powers Bill is about service delivery fools no one. This ruse is about capturing the GDP after the DA already control the Western Cape fiscus. If it was about service delivery we were not going to experience violent crimes that are geographically and racially concentrated whilst about R1 billion was mis-spent  rather than to combat crime; we were not going to have a housing waiting list exceeding 600, 000 and an irregular expenditure of an astronomical R171 million and under expenditure of unconditional grants exceeding R215 million for the 2022/2023 financial year; we were not going to have the current challenges of shortage of beds, personnel in public health centres and more than a decade delays on the rebuilding of GF Jooste hospital; and we were not going to witness a total of R1.6 billion that could have been used to build brick and mortar schools being wasted on temporary solutions like maintenance, with R21 222 million which was meant which was meant for school nutrition, maths, science and technology teaching, and to assist learners with profound intellectual disabilities being returned to National Treasury.’’

PHOTO - Mitchum George:  ANC Provincial Deputy Secretary Ayanda Bans 

COSATU Provincial Secretary, Malvern De Bruyn, described the bill as a silly publicity stunt.

‘’Elections are approaching. The bill is unconstitutional and I do not think it will pass any court. COSATU is saying NO to the bill.’’

Benson Ngqentsu, SACP Provincial Secretary, says the public hearing is a farce.

‘’We are not going to allow the DA-led government to do as they wish. In respect to the people, we ought to lead by example. The purpose is to reject the bill. We fought for this democracy.’’

Pat Murran, a member of the Western Cape ad-hoc committee, described the bill as unconstitutional

‘’The DA is failing in terms of the powers. They cannot even tackle issues that are currently on their plate. They do not care about other areas in the country. To them, it is always about the Western Cape.’’

ANC Western Cape leader, Cameron Dugmore, says he wrote to the COGTA minister, as well as NCOP, to probe the bill.

‘’I wrote to the minister of COGTA Nkadimeng and requested an investigation. There is no provision made by the DA where it will be allocated. She responded and indicated that she will consult with her department. We also wrote to the NCOP for a dispute to be declared and we want this to be declared unconstitutional. This underlines the seriousness of the bill. This bill will never see the light of day.’’

Benson Ngqentsu, SACP Provincial Secretary, says if the bill is not stopped, the Western Cape will be ungovernable

‘’As the alliance, if this Bill is not legally stopped, we will once again be called upon to tender the DA Capexit nexus in the Western Cape ungovernable to prevent the reincarnation of the modern-day apartheid system’’

Other political parties in the Western Cape also raised their voices about the bill - Economic Freedom Fighters’ (EFF) Western Cape chairperson Unathi Ntame said they denounce the bill and warn against its weaponisation against the spirit of unity upon which the South African Constitution was built.

The GOOD party’s Peter de Villiers described the bill as ‘’embarrasing’’, saying The Bill is a government-sponsored manifesto for the DA and what De Villers says, unashamedly unconstitutional.  

Public hearings into the DA's Provincial Powers Bill will be held across the province the entire week. It kicked off in Worcester on Monday.

Done By: Mitchum George

Scholar succumbs to injuries after being caught in rival gang crossfire in M/Plain

A teenage girl has succumbed to injuries after she was caught in a crossfire between rival gangs in Beacon Valley, Mitchell’s Plain, on Tuesday morning.

According to police, a 12-year-old girl was shot and killed by a stray bullet.  

Ward Councillor, Solomon Philander says the incident occurred just after 11a.m at the Ieglaasi Nieyah Primary School. He says LEAP officers are patrolling the area.

‘’LEAP officers are patrolling the area and I appeal to the south African police services to be visible in the community during this time. I made contact with the various schools to ensure that evey child in their care are safe and that we coordinate efforts to reunite all children from school with their families at school dismissal times,’’ said Solomon Philander, sub council 12 chairperson, and ward councillor 116.

The school has issued a letter saying the school will remain closed for the rest of the week and reopen on Monday, 5 February 2024.


Western Cape’s Police Oversight & Community Safety MEC, Reagen Allen, expressed his anger towards the incident. Allen has called on SAPS to initiate the prevention of crime act, which introduce measures to combat criminal gang activities, amongst others.

‘’These barbaric individuals must be caught. It has to be established where the firearms and ammunition came from, as the suppliers should also be charged.’’

Police confirmed the incident, saying they are probing the matter.

‘’Mitchell’s Plain police registered a murder case following a shooting incident this morning (Tuesday, 2024-01-30) at about 11:20 at a school situated in Khayalami Street, Beacon Valley, Mitchells Plain.’’

‘’According to reports a 12-year-old girl was caught in a crossfire between rival gangs, and was shot and killed by a stray bullet. The victim was declared deceased on the scene by the medical personnel. The unknown suspects fled the scene and are yet to be arrested.’’

Anyone with any information about this fatal shooting incident is requested to contact the investigating officer of Anti-Gang Unit, Detective Sergeant Bradley Schuurman. 071 673 3841 or alternatively call Crime Stop on 08600 10111.

Done by: Mitchum George

Close to 54 000 metres of cables stolen within 6 months in Cape Town

The City of Cape Town has seen an increase in the past six months of stolen infrastructure.

83 suspects were arrested, between July and December 2023, which is a 34% increase compared to the same period the year before.


Officers also recovered more than 1 200 kilograms of metal, and close to 54 000 metres of stolen cable. Staff also impounded eight vehicles, and issued 1 557 fines for various by-law transgressions.

MMC for Safety and Security, Alderman JP Smith, says the theft of public infrastructure hampers services.

‘’The increase in arrests and confiscations show once more the extent of the challenges linked to cable and metal theft. The impact on services, the economy and the repairs and maintenance budgets of departments who bear the brunt of the scourge is well documented. And, the load on our metal theft unit, but enforcement services on the whole, is not getting any lighter.’’

COURTESY - CoCT: Metal theft Unit inspects bucket shop

Smith says metal thieves get ‘smarter’ each time, but warns that officers are wise too.

‘’The strategies of metal thieves are constantly changing, with new trends every few months, which require counter strategies and a unit that is nimble enough to change direction where needed. While it would be unwise to reveal the particulars of our playbook, we are already using existing tools like our integrated policing incident system to help map hotspots, for example, and we are always on the hunt for existing or new tech solutions that aid our enforcement efforts in this area,' said JP Smith, Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security.

The public is urged to report cable theft to the City's Public Emergency Communication Centre by dialling 021 480 7700 from a cellphone or 107 from a landline.


Done by: Bush Radio News reporter

Trio arrested after robbing a Law Enforcement officer in Kuilsriver

Three suspects were arrested in Kuilsriver, on Monday, after it’s understood the trio robbed an off duty Law Enforcement officer.

The City of Cape Town’s Law Enforcement spokesperson, Wayne Dyason, said the officer took a walk to the local school to collect his child. The suspects were apparently armed.

‘’Law Enforcement Rapid Response Unit officers were on patrol in the Highbury area Kuilsriver when they received information [about the incident]… The officers located the suspects and swiftly disarmed them. The firearm was found to be an imitation.’’

COURTESY: City of Cape Town Law Enforcement Directorate

The trio were arrested and taken to Kuilsriver SAPS.


Done By: Esobusi Mkangelwa

Popular Jazz musician and multi-instrumentalist, Tony Cedras, dies at age 72

Popular Jazz musician and multi-instrumentalist Tony Cedras has died.

PHOTO - Adrian Louw: Jazz musician and multi-instrumentalist Tony Cedras 

The 72-year-old who hails from Cape Town passed away on Monday morning, after a battle with lung disease.

It’s understood that he arrived back in Cape Town last week, after performing in the U.S and was hospitalised for six months

According to African music library, Cedras big break came when he was recruited as a trumpet player and keyboardist for the South African band, Pacific Express, under the guidance of bass player Paul Abrahams.

He also worked with other notable artists, such as Paul Simon, and made a name for himself as a versatile and talented musician with a unique style that blends African rhythms with Western influences.

Tributes for the late star have been pouring in on social media.

Jazz icon Sipho “Hotstix” Mabuse described Cedras as a ‘’giant man with talent beyond belief.’’

Bush Radio Connected 2 Jazz presenter, Nigel Vermaas, also shared fond memories of Cedras.

‘’Although he was a trumpet player and a pianist, I always remember him as a wonderful accordion player. I only saw him play twice – live. He is quite special on stage, he very much does his own thing and I think musicians loved working with him and he brought a beautiful sound when he played.’’

‘’It’s just one of those things where I wish I could have spoken to him, but I didn’t. He was much loved not by music lovers but musicians who played with him,’’ added Vermaas.


Smash and grab incidents increase in Elsies River

Motorists are advised to be extra cautious and vigilant when approaching intersections in Elsies River, as the South African Police Service saw an increase in smash and grab incidents in the area.

Hotspot areas include intersections along 35th Street and Owen Road, Avonwood and 35th Street, Epping Avenue and 35th Street, Norwood and Francie van Zyl, Halt Road and Voortrekker Road.

PHOTO: Pixabay

The police’s Anelisiwe Manyana says the majority of these cases reported indicate that cellular telephones are grabbed through an open window, especially on Jakes Gerwel Drive and Bofors Circle. She added that motorists and passengers tend to leave their cellphones on the dashboard or the victim is speaking on the phone whilst stationary at the intersection/robots

 ‘’The public is advised that valuable items such as cellular telephones and laptops are locked in the boot of the vehicle before departing to your destination. Do not leave any items hidden underneath the front seats. Be aware of surroundings and refrain from driving with valuables visible in vehicles. Make sure that all windows and doors of your vehicle are closed and locked, before you walk away,’’ said Anelisiwe Manyana, Western Cape SAPS spokesperson.

Manyana says theft out of motor vehicles have also increased where the use of jamming devices could not be ruled out, due to no forced entry being noticeable. 

In December 2023, Table View SAPS released a statement stating it too saw an increase in smash and grab incidents, along Potsdam Road, especially during peak hour traffic.

The City of Cape Town recently also saw an uptick in smash and grab incidents along Jakes Gerwel Drive.


Done by: Mitchum George

Cases of diarrhoea increases in Cape metro

The City of Cape Town has appealed to parents and caregivers to be on alert after the municipality recorded more than 7 500 cases of diarrhoea in children younger than five over November and December 2023.

This is an increase from 5 370 reported cases (up by 40%) over the same period the year before.

Young children are particularly vulnerable from dehydration associated with diarrhoea. If not treated timeously, it can be fatal. The period between November and May is dubbed Surge Season, as it coincides with an increase in diarrheal disease.

ILLUSTRATION: Mitchum George

Mayoral Committee Member (MMC) for Community Services and Health, Patricia van der Ross, said the risk of diarrhoea can be minimised by regular and thorough handwashing.

‘’The statistics serve as a reminder of just how serious we all need to take surge season, especially with the prevailing high temperatures. At the first sign of diarrhoea, start using an oral rehydration solution immediately, and seek medical help. Handwashing and hygiene are always important, but become even more critical over the warmer months to prevent the spread of germs. And we need to be cognisant, always, of how we handle food, because it can spoil a lot quicker in the heat. Let's work together and keep surge season top of mind, particularly where our young children are concerned.’’

The World Health Organisation provide tips to safer food, namely:

·        Keep hands, surfaces and utensils used for food preparation including baby bottles and teats , clean.

·        Wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet and after changing the child's nappies.

·        Wash hands often while cooking and preparing baby feeds as well as before eating and feeding young children.

·        Separate raw and cooked: Store raw and cooked food in separate containers and use separate utensils and equipment for raw and cooked food.

·        Cook thoroughly: Cook all foods thoroughly and reheat to piping hot before serving.

·        Keep food at safe temperatures: Store and thaw foods in the fridge.

·        Use safe water and raw materials: Use safe water, fresh fruit, vegetables and pasteurised milk. Store water in a container that has a tap. If not available, use a clean bucket with a lid.


The City advised to administer an oral rehydration solution immediately, should a child develops loose stools.

‘’Add half a level teaspoon of salt and eight level teaspoons of sugar to one litre of cooled water that has been boiled. Start giving the child small sips of the solution to replace the water and electrolytes lost in the faeces/stool. Take the child to your nearest clinic immediately so that the healthcare workers can help to prevent severe dehydration.’’

Symptoms of dehydration include passing little urine, dry mouth, few tears when crying, sunken eyes and weakness.

Symptoms of severe dehydration are drowsiness, pale/mottled skin, cold hands or feet, dry nappies, fast and shallow breathing.


Done By: Mitchum George

Off-duty SAPS officer and friend killed in Khayelitsha

An off-duty officer was one of two people killed in Site C, Khayelitsha on Friday evening.

The police’s Malcolm Pojie says the duo succumbed to gunshot wounds to their bodies in hospital. The officer was stationed at Cape Town Central SAPS, and worked at the court.

‘’The incident you refer to happened at about 20:30… Khayelitsha SAPS opened Double Murder case to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of two men in their mid-thirties,’’ said Lt. Colonel Malcolm Pojie.

He said the motive for the murders are unknown at this stage.

At least seven off-duty officers have been killed between July and September 2023.

According to the Western Cape’s Police Oversight & Community Safety MEC, Reagen Allen, SAPS are seeking three unknown men who was allegedly behind the attack. He says the suspects fled on foot.

‘’It is particularly sad that we had to lose another officer of the law in this manner. My stance remains that an attack on any law enforcement officer, including a SAPS member, is an attack on the State, as these men and women are the defenders of the country’s laws. Perpetrators in this instance should face the relevant penalties.’’

Allen urged those with information to make it available to all law enforcement agencies, in order for the perpetrators to be apprehended.

Anyone with information are urged to contact Crime Stop at 08600 10111.


Done by: Mitchum George

Monday, January 29, 2024

EFF challenge sanctions against its six MPs to court

Parliament has confirmed that it has been served with court papers by the Economic Freedom Fighters.

It is reported that the Economic Freedom Fighters is challenging the sanctions against six of its Members of Parliament.

The Ethics Committee found the MPs guilty of being in contempt of Parliament after they stormed the stage during President Cyril Ramaphosa’s State of the Nation Address last year.

EFF leaders Julius Malema, Floyd Shivambu, Doctor Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, and three others will be suspended for one month without pay, effective February 1.

The matter will be heard in the Western Cape High Court on Monday.

Parliament’s spokesperson Moloto Mothapo says Parliament will oppose the EFF’s court bid.

“Parliament has been served and we are ready for Monday to present a very solid case that supports the correctness of the decisions that were taken in adopting the recommendations and report of the Powers and Privileges Committee. So, the statement that we are making is very clear; it is intended to protect Parliament from persistent disruptions and it is intended to ensure that the State of the Nation Address takes place in a climate of peace, respect and decorum of the house, but also respect for the people of South Africa who have a right because they have elected these parliamentarians, they have elected the president and they want to hold the president to account.”


Dione by: Alungile Njemla

Man arrested in Hermanus for the illegal possession of 5 200 pieces of abalone

Western Cape police on Sunday detained a man for unlawfully possessing abalone, after seeing a suspicious car speeding carelessly, police pursued it and caught the driver.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Malcolm Pojie, a spokesman for the police, the suspect is also accused of attempted murder and careless and dangerous driving.

When the police searched the car, they found abalone, after being charged, the suspect will appear at the Hermanus Magistrate's Court.

“With the search on the white ISUZU, the members discovered 5200 pieces of abalone of which the value still needs to be determined. The abalone vehicle was ceased as evidence; the suspects will appear in the Hermanus magistrate court once charged for illegal possession of abalone, reckless driving and attempted murder, driving in high speed”, said Lieutenant Colonel Malcolm Pojie.


picture by: SAPS

Done by: Esobusi Mkangelwa

Friday, January 26, 2024

Trio arrested in Belville for counterfeit goods worth R5.1million

Three suspects were arrested in Belville on Thursday, for the illegal trade of counterfeit goods worth R5.1 million.


The police’s Malcolm Pojie says the takedown operation, occurred at a shopping complex close to the Bellville taxi rank where two similar operations have recently been conducted.

‘’ Upon the arrival, SAPS members found most of the stores abandoned, but this did not deter the operation to be executed. Three Somalian men in their mid-thirties were arrested,’’ said Lt Col Malcolm Pojie.


‘’One of the three arrestees, a 36 year old man was found inside a shop fronting as a copy shop, where members confiscated a substantial amount of cash, passports, photos, certificates, including, birth, asylum, death, refugee certificates and vehicle licences, affidavits and a money counting machine,’’ he added.


The suspects face charges relating to the possession of counterfeit goods and fraud and is scheduled to appear in the Bellville Magistrates’ court once charged.

Pojie said more charges might be added as investigation by the Provincial Detective’s Commercial branch unfolds.

Western Cape Police Commissioner, Lt Gen (Adv) Thembisile Patekile who termed the trade of counterfeit goods as economic sabotage of the fiscus of the country.

‘’[Patekile] expressed his appreciation towards the members of the team who ensured the successful removal of fake products from the streets of the Province. He also issued a warning to  building owners and landlords who are well aware of the illegal activities on their premises that they are also in the sights of SAPS,’’ said Lt Col Malcolm Pojie.

Done By: Mitchum George

Boy succumbs to internal injuries after being knocked down in Mitchell's Plain

A 6-year-old boy succumbed to his injuries in Mitchell’s Plain, on Thursday afternoon, following an incident in Portland.

The police’s Malcolm Pojie says the boy was hit by a vehicle near Wespoort Primary School

‘’Mitchell’s Plain police opened a Culpable Homicide docket for further investigation following an incident…at about 15:00. Preliminary information suggest that the kid was hit by a vehicle, driven by a 58-year-old female driver. The boy collapsed on the pavement after being hit and succumbed to internal injuries sustained,’’ said Lieutenant Colonel Malcolm Pojie.

Pojie said investigations are underway

The Western Cape Education Department’s Bronagh Hammond says they have deployed psychologists to the school to assist with counselling.

Wespoort Primary school identified the boy as Grade 1 pupil, Arkash Okwan Mpayipheli.

Principal Malika Ismail-Meyer, in a school letter, urged the public to respect the family’s privacy during this difficult time

‘’As a school community, we are devastated by the tragic death of our learner. We are a school and community in mourning. We ask that no false information be spread regarding the incident and we ask that you please respect the family and STOP circulating videos and images on social media.’’

Neighbouring school, Portland Primary, has urged parents to speak to their children regarding road safety. The school says it is aware of some learners running across the road and not using the pedestrian crossing.

Done by: Mitchum George

ICJ orders Israel to take all measures to prevent genocide

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to take all measures to prevent genocide against the people of Gaza.

Israel must do everything to "prevent the commission of all acts within the scope" of the Genocide Convention, said the International Court of Justice on Friday.

PHOTO -ICJ: ICJ President Judge Joan Donoghue 

This comes after South Africa lodged an application with the ICJ in December 2023, arguing that Israel was violating the UN Convention on Genocide and seeking urgent measures to protect Palestinians in Gaza.

Fifteen out of 17 judges voted for Israel to take all measures to prevent any acts in the scope of the Genocide Convention.

"The State of Israel shall, in accordance with its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in relation to the Palestinian people as a group protected by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, desist from the commission of any and all acts within the scope of Article II of the Convention, in particular:

(a) killing members of the group;

(b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to the members of the group;

(c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; and

(d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group," says Donoghue.

ICJ President Judge Joan Donoghue said the court found that there is a genuine dispute between Israel and South Africa - and therefore, the ICJ has jurisdiction to hear the case.

The court also rejected Israel's argument that South Africa's case against it should be removed from the court's roll.

The war started on October 7 when Hamas staged an unprecedented attack on Israel that left about 1,140 people dead, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on official Israeli figures.

Israel's relentless military campaign on Gaza since has left at least 25,900 dead, about 70 per cent of them women, children and adolescents, according to the Hamas government's health ministry.


Its filing states that Pretoria is "acutely aware" of the "particular weight of responsibility" in accusing Israel of all countries of breaking the Genocide Convention.

But it also says that no attack can justify alleged breaches of the Convention and that Israel has "its own obligation" as a signatory to prevent genocide.

In reaction to the ruling, and Minister of International Relations Naledi Pandor says although she would hoped for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, she is satisfied with the immediate measures ordered by the ICJ

Pandor spoke to the media outside on Friday after the ICJ ruling ordering Israel to take all measures to prevent genocide. 

"I believe that in exercising order, there would have to be a ceasefire. Without it, the order does not actually work. I would have wanted a ceasefire, but there is no way I am going to say I am disappointed. I hoped for it but the fact of delivering humanitarian aid, the fact of taking measures that would reduce harm against persons who have no roles in what Israel is combatting, for me requires a ceasefire. 


Meanwhile, Minister of Justice and Correctional Services Ronald Lamola hailed the ruling as a decisive victory for the international rule of law.

"This is a victory for the international rule of war and the children, women and vulnerable people of Gaza. This is also an assertion of a long standing South Africa's positions with regards to the United Nations Position. As you are aware the Freedom Charter declares that there must be peace and prosperity across the globe so this is a humbling experience for the country. I do believe that Nelson Mandela will be smiling in his grave.’’


Done By: Mitchum George

Two prisoners arrested for extortion related charges

Two prisoners were arrested last week for extortion related charges. PICTURE: PIXABAY According to police, the two suspects operated from ...