Sunday, November 30, 2014

An accident leaves six people dead and one injured

Lusanda Bill
30 November 2014

An accident late last night on Moloto Road left six people dead and one seriously injured. 

It is believed that two vehicles collided head-on. 

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Chris Botha said paramedics arrived on the scene and found enormous amount of accident debris and the wreackage of the cars spread across a large area.

Botha said tragically six people died before our arrival on the scene and one person had sustained serious injuries which were treated on the scene and transported to hospital for further medical care.

The exact details to the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation. 

12-year-old missing in a lagoon at Wortelgat Camp

Lusanda Bill
30 November 2014

The National Sea Rescue Institute together with police dive unit are continuing the search of a 12-year-old boy who went missing in the lagoon at Wortelgat Camp in Hermanus on Saturday. 

NSRI Spokesperson Craig Lambinon said the boy was part of a group of 36 children from Langa and Khayelitsha. It is believed that the children went to swim in the lagoon without supervision when the child went missing. 

Lambinon said the boy reportedly was involved in a canoe accident which capsized and the child disappeared under water.

“Despite an extensive search on Saturday no sign of the child was found however the search is continuing today” Lambinon added.

Marking of matric papers to start today

Lusanda Bill
30 November 2014

Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga this week said the 2014 National Senior Certificate examination were successful. 

In a statement Motshekga said she is satisfied that the examinations were conducted with integrity and without serious problems despite the threats of protests in some parts of the country. 

Marking will commence today with 41 000 markers involved in the marking of the scripts of 118 marking venues across the country. 

The Departments Elijah Mhlanga said after the marking the marks will then be captured on the system from all provinces and then sent to the Department of Basic Education in Pretoria, where the information will be processed and then the marks will be sent to Umalusi.

Mhlanga will then do the quality assurance and once that is done then the department will do the standardisation process which will be completed by the 23rd of December, after which we will then finalise the results for printing.

“The minister will then announce the results on the 5th of January and the results will only be available at schools on the 6th of January” Mhlanga added.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Denosa in KZN concerned about threats to nurses

Lusanda Bill
29 November 2014

Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa in Kwa Zulu Natal said it is concerned by mass departure of nurses at Mpophomeni clinic.

Denosa Chairperson Sibonelo Cele said community members around Mpophomeni Township have been threatening nurses who don’t originate from Mpophomeni and who are employed at the local clinic to leave so that their own trained nurses could be employed.

As a result of these threats, of the 15 nurses who are based at the clinic, eight have since resigned on fears of victimization, leaving the clinic with only 7 nurses.

Cele said community members want nurses who are living in the area to work at the clinic and this is a concern for us as Denosa.

Government concerned about violent clash between police and asylum seekers

Lusanda Bill
29 November 2014

Government has raised its concern regarding destruction of public property by asylum seekers this week at Customs House on the Foreshore, a regional Home Affairs office in Cape Town. 

Asylum seekers clashed with police outside the building this week over confusion over the application permits. 

Three people were arrested during the chaos. 

Acting Director General of the Department of Communications Donald Liphoko said the violent outburst and reaction by the asylum seekers is in violation of the law and will not be tolerated.

Liphoko said it is important to reminder all people seeking asylum in South Africa, that the country has always been focused on ensuring that we support all people who’ve applied for refugee status in the country.  However they must report to the refugee reception office before their permits expired for a second interview, which will be conducted by a refugee determination officer.

“Government encourages continued dialogue to resolve any matters that are of concern to the refugee community and remains committed to supporting and assisting those with valid reasons for seeking asylum in our country” Liphoko added.

Missing Child Alert: Lwazi Koloni

A truck accident leaves one person dead

Lusanda Bill
29 November 2014

Meanwhile in another incident one person died and another was left in a critical condition after a truck collided with a bridge on the N2 towards Port Elizabeth. 

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Chris Botha said when paramedics arrived on the scene they found the two occupants still trapped in the mangled vehicle.

Botha said tragically the passenger died on the scene due to the severe injuries that he had sustained.

“The driver was in a very critical condition. He was stabilized on the scene and transported to a hospital in Port Elizabeth for further care” Botha added.



Two girls drowned in Paarl

Lusanda Bill
29 November 2014

A drowning incident in Paarl late last night left two girls dead. 

Western Cape Emergency Services Spokesperson Robert Daniels said the bodies of two girls aged two and three-years-old were retrieved from the Varsfontein Stad farm where they drowned earlier.

Daniels said it is believed that the two children were playing in the water and they fell into the deep-end of the dam and drowned.

The exact details to the cause of the drowning incident is being investigated by the police.  

MEC Plato to march for safety in Tafelsig and Beacon Valley

Loyiso Langeni
29 Novemebr 2014

Western Cape MEC of Community Safety Dan Plato together with the South African Police Service and the communities of Tafelsig Beacon Valley, will today take a public stand against violence and abuse. 

MEC Plato called every human being in the province to ensure that Safety starts in the family and observe 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children towards 365 days of action to eradicate violence from our communities.

Ministerial Spokesperson Ewald Botha said these activities are part of the 16 Days of Activism campaign for No Violence Against Women and Children, under the theme “Safety starts in the family”.

Botha added that the activities during the upcoming 16 Days of Activism will be centred around empowering communities with the knowledge, the opportunity and the capacity to take a stand against abuse and encourage them through key motivators to break the cycle of abuse.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Eleven people injured in Bloemfontein collision

Loyiso Langeni
28 November 2014

An accident this morning has left 11 people injured, four of them critically, when three vehicles collided on church Street in Bloemfontein.

ER24 Spokesperson Russel Meiring said they arrived on scene and found the road blocked by the vehicles lying in the middle of the road. Fire services later closed the road to allow paramedics to work safely.

 Meiring added that on assessment, paramedics discovered that 11 people had sustained injuries ranging from minor to critical.

“Treatment was started on the injured to stabilize their vital signs before they were transported to various hospitals such for further treatment.” Meiring said

Exact details to the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police invetifation.

DA calls on ministers to act against major backlog

Loyiso Langeni
28 November 2014

The Democratic Alliance said it will write to Minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledi, and Minister of Police Nkosinathi Ntleko, to appoint a task team that will investigate the major backlog of blood alcohol tests, at the three National Forensic Chemistry Laboratories, in the lead up to the festive season.

DA MP of Health Wilmot James said when we have a delay like that it makes impossible for the country to prosecutor successfully or to prosecute at all when it comes to drunk and driving.

James added that this has caused a major problem in our justice system and we believe that 11 month long delay is unacceptable.

“We cannot allow drunk driving to go unpunished due to administrative backlogs,” James said.

An elderly woman died in KZN crash

Loyiso Langeni
28 November 2014

ER24 paramedics responded to an accident this morning after a light motor vehicle crushed beneath a truck on the M13 in Fields Hill, KwaZulu Natal, leaving one person losing her life.

ER24 Spokesperson Russel Meiring said they arrived on scene and found the road blocked by a large truck that lay on its side. A light motor vehicle lay crushed beneath the truck and crane attachment.

Meiring added that on assessment, paramedics found that an elderly woman lay trapped within her vehicle. Unfortunately she had already succumbed to her injuries.

He emphasised that rescue services were on scene to extricate the woman’s body from the vehicle.

Exact details to the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation.

ACDP welcomes racial addressing of UCT students

Oscar Thomas 28 November 2014

The African Christian Democratic Party Western Cape leader, Ferlon Christians MPP, welcomes the action taken by UCT vice-chancellor, Dr Price, in addressing all students and staff with a letter concerning the racial abuse by UCT students.

Christians said The ACDP agrees with his statement that there will never be any justification for racial attacks of any nature.

Christians said though the ACDP does severely condemn these attacks, we also feel that the students, in a cognitive rationale of historical events, are immature, and that the correct punishment should be handed down in light of this.

Christians said these attacks have also shown that victims can act with decorum in addressing the matter and handling the situation in the proper manner.

“Despite 20 years of democracy, the fact that issues such as these are still around is just an indication of how much harder we should work on repairing ills of the past Christians added.

Murder of KwaDabeka CHC nurse condemned

Oscar Thomas
28 November 2014

The Democratic Nursing Organisation has condemned the gruesome killing of a female nurse in Kwa Zulu Natal.

DENOSA Provincial Secretary Cassim Lekhoathi said it is alleged that she was encountered by people who appeared to have been planned to kill her.

Lekhoathi appealed to community members to assist law enforcement agencies in bringing these perpetrators to book.

No arrests yet been made.

Lekhoathi said we are shocked and saddened by this callous and inhumane act.

Lekhoathi said What is even worse is that it has come at a time when we’re engaged with creating a better environment for women, through the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children.

Lekhoathi said his loss affects us greatly, as we are determined to ensure that every corner of the country has a qualified health worker, providing the best care possible.

Lekhoathi said Even though this incident happened outside the premises of the institution, the nurse died in her uniform, after serving the community.
“We therefore offer our deepest condolences to the family and friends and hope that the perpetrator will be apprehended and subjected to the full might of the law Lekhoathi added.

ACDP calls on Western Cape Government

Loyiso Langeni

28 November 2014

The African Christians Democratic Party in the Western Cape has called on Western Cape Government to urge the National Department of Health to address blood sample backlog to ensure that reckless drivers are not allowed onto roads.

ACDP’s Ferlon Christians said this could lead to traffic offenders causing more deaths on our roads.

“They went out to test traffic offenders that were caught for drunken driving and those tests have been sent to Department of Health.

We believe that 15 000 perpetrators will walk free due to the backlog and this is unacceptable,” Christains added. 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Fire at factory left two people with burn injuries

Loyiso Langeni
27 Novemebr 2014

Two people have sustained minor burn injuries following a fire at a factory in Krugersdorp earlier today.

it is understood that a hydraulic pipe came loose from a machine which led to an oil spillage that sprayed on the furnaces resulting in a fire.

ER24 Spokesperson Chitra Bodasing said they treated five people for various injuries including smoke inhalation.

Bodasing added that after assessment and treatment it was found that only one patient required transportation to hospital.

Exact details to the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation.

Western Cape Government to roll out broadband to schools next year

Loyiso Langeni
27 November 2014

The Western Cape Government will next year begin the roll out of broadband to schools, which will allow increased access to the cyber-world. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Jessica Shelver said our schools are central to the Broadband project as the Western Cape government has identified e-learning as a key strategic priority to improve the quality of education in the province.

“In preparing for this roll-out, the WCED have developed an e-catalogue website. Our aim is to populate this website with digital education resources, creating an online catalogue of digital resources that can be used by teachers, learners and parents when broadband comes available.” Shelver added.

She emphasised that our aim now is to receive as much education digital content as possible from various developers across SA and the world-over.

“The WCED is therefore inviting developers of digital education resources to join the department as it expands access to e-learning in the province.” Shelver said

Three died in Alberton crash

Loyiso Langeni
27 Novemebr 2014

An accident this morning has left three people dead and two others critically after a vehicle rolled multi times on the N12 near the R59 in Alberton.

ER24 Spokesperson Russel Mering said the arrived on scene and found that three people had sustained fatal injuries while two sustained critical injuries.

Meiring added that parmedics begun their assessement and treatments for the patients providing them with advanced life support shortly after treatment they were tranported to a nearby hospital for urgent medical treatment.

Exact details to the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation. Meiring

Senoir legal adviser killed, suspect sought

Oscar Thomas
27 November 2014

Standerton Police are searching for suspects who murdered a senior legal adviser. 

47-year-old Yandisa Marongo was shot in the head and his body was disposed of after he was murdered. 

Colonel Leonard Hlathi said he was last seen on the 11th of this month and a case of murder has been opened for investigation. 

Hlathi said following the discovery of his body, a post-mortem was conducted on Monday, 24 November 2014, to determine the cause of death and it revealed that Marongo was shot on the head.

Hlathi said Police further uncovered that his cellphones, Samsung Laptop and Sony sound system were missing from his house. His vehicle, a blue Audi A4 TDi, with registration number DH17RF GP is also missing.

“A case of murder has been opened for investigation. Police urge any person with information that may lead to the arrest of the perpetrator or perpetrators to contact Detective Constable Duma Mkhwanazi at 072 856 9040 Hlathi added.

Police arrest detective for corruption

Oscar Thomas
27 November 2014

A 27-year-old detective from Claremont was arrested for corruption and defeating the ends of justice. 

Captain FC van Wyk said the detective faked a statement after an assault case of a female cleaner was withdrawn due to the furnished statement.

The detective is expected to appear in the Wynberg Magistrate Court today.

Van Wyk said police will continue to root out corruption in the province said in our ongoing endeavours to root out corruption within SAPS, a member from Claremont police station’s Detective Unit was arrested this morning.

Van Wyk said Emanating from a Claremont assault case where a cleaner was allegedly severely assaulted and the case subsequently withdrawn by the senior public prosecutor due to a statement furnished by the constable, who was responsible for the investigation.

Van Wyk said the member allegedly submitted a sworn statement to withdraw the case when the victim had no intention of doing so.

Van Wyk said the member received an undisclosed amount of cash from the suspects to cover the victim’s medical costs, but allegedly never handed the money to the victim.”

“The 27 year old detective was arrested at his residents in Eersteriver van Wyk added.

ACDP calls education Department to place 10 500 kids in schools

Loyiso Langeni
27 November 2014

The African Christian Democratic Party in the Western Cape has called on the provincial education department to urgently attend to the 10 500 children who still need placement at schools. 

ACDP Provincial Leader Ferlon Christians said education for any child is vital therefore the department needs to do everything in its power to fix this problem. 
Christians added that we know most of the grades but we are calling on MEC of Education Debie Schafer and the Education Department to put these pupils in place because education is important

“We also asking parents to play a key role in taking their children to school.” Christians said.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

SAMWU: Women and child abuse a threat to human rights

Loyiso Langeni
26 November 2014

The South African Municipal Workers Union said women and children in the country suffer in silence on a daily basis.

This as Tuesday marked the start of 16 Days of Activism of No Violence Women and Children Abuse. 

Presidnet Jacob Zuma officially launched the campaign on Tuesday under the theme “Count Me In.

Together moving a non-violent South Africa forward. Samwu Spokesperson Papikie Mohale said the violence against women is undoubtedly a threat to human rights and takes different forms such as physical abuse, rape, sexual harassment, child abuse, emotional abuse and financial abuse.

Mohale added that statistically, over 60% perpetrators of such abuses have themselves been victims or were brought up in a household where they witnessed abuse.

“We should therefore tackle the root causes to be able to totally eliminate this social ill. It further reminds us that action is not just confined to the 16 days but should be every single day of the year.”  Mohale said.

Case against three Eskom’s employees arrested for fraud postponed

Loyiso Langeni
26 November 2014

Three Eskom employees were arrested by the Hawks Crime Intelligence and the Eskom crime team during a sting operation over the weekend.

Hawks Spokesperson Paul Ramaloko said the three were arrested for fraud, corruption and possible contravening contravention of the Electronic Communication and Transaction Act of 2002, to the tune of 3.5 billion-Rand. 

Ramaloko added that the suspects appeared briefly in the Johannesburg Specialised Commercial Crimes Court on Monday on those charges, only one suspect was granted R2000 bail.

He emphasised that the case against two suspects was postponed to the 1st of December for formal bail application.

“We believe that the three, are part of a bigger syndicate was trying to defraud Eskom. Our investigation is continuing and we are not sure if more arrests should be made or not.” Ramoloko added.

ANC in the WC condemns latest racist attack incident

Lusanda Bill
26 November 2014

The African National Congress in the Western Cape has called on government in the province to act against racism.

This follows the brutal and racist attack of a woman in Claremont allegedly by five University of Cape Town students. 

ANC’s Marius Fransman said they will keep an eye on the developments of this case and take action when needed.

Fransman said we cannot continue to treat people as if they are subhuman in the Western Cape. What we have seen our elders whether they are white, black, coloured African or Indian, when an elder is being abused by young white men it becomes a problem.

“We are calling on all police personals to immediately act, we are calling on UCT to suspend those involved and we are calling also on the judiciary to nail them, because this is unacceptable and the ANC will not tolerate our people being treated as if its apartheid still” Fransman added.

MEC shocked by child-on-child rape incident

Oscar Thomas
26 November 2014

Western Cape MEC of Social Development Albert Fritz said he is concerned about the alleged rape of a seven-year-old boy by a ten-year-old boy in Khayelitsha.

MEC Fritz said this incident is worrying and a major concern. 

He added that as a department they will continue to give support to both boys.

Mec Fritz said we are once again very shocked at this specific incident.
Fritz said our specific services in this regard will go out and do what we can to look at the issue of intervention.

“We also want to call on society especially our Parents to really be far more constructive and proactive in order to prevent children from committing such horrendous crimes Fritz added.

Cut up body found in Camps Bay

Lusanda Bill
26 November 2014

Cape Town police are investigating a case whereby a cut up body was found at Camps Bay. 

The body was discovered by council workers while they were cleaning in Cosy Bay. 

Police Spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Andrè Traut said the motive for the murder is not yet known. 

Traut said the workers discovered a male torso wrapped in a plastic sheet as well as human parts also found in a plastic bag.

“The identity of the victim and other aspects pertaining to the matter are yet to be established” Traut added.

UCT investigates assault of Delia Adonis

Loyiso Langeni
26 November 2014

The University of Cape Town on Tuesday said it has embarked on an investigation of five students who allegedly brutally and racial attacked Delia Adonis in Claremont. 

Police allegedly tried to conceal the case. 

The University’s Kemantha Govender said they take these allegations seriously and they will be investigating the matter.

Govender said we kindly urge any witnesses to please contact Mr Steven Ganger at Uct’s campus protection services on 021 650 2226 or you can email 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Grade 12’s urged to party responsibly

Loyiso Langeni
25 November 2014

The Western Cape government has urged Grade 12 learners to celebrate responsibly as this Friday exams will come to an end. 

The provincial government has also appealed to candidates who will be finishing their exams on Friday to stay focused. 

Candidates have also been reminded that they must be available to write until the 4th of December for any eventuality that might occur until the end of the examination process.

Ministerial Spokesperson Sipheshile Dube said we are working closely with municipalities to ensure that all these party goers are safe during this time.

“We have also appealed to candidates to excise extreme caution during this time in our roads and to always obey speed limits and to avoid destruction while they are diving to avoid late night driving where possible.” Dube added.

Education Committee monitors North West and Limpopo schools for 2015

Loyiso Langeni
25 November 2014

The Portfolio Committee on Basic Education has embarked on an oversight visit to the North West and Limpopo. 

The aim of the visit is to see preparations for school readiness for 2015 and assess school nutrition programme.

Last month several learners were hospitalised for eating food contaminated with particles of glass and stones in Limpopo. 

Chairperson of Portfolio Committee on Basic Education Nomalungelo Gina said we are going to monitor the readiness of the schools for the upcoming year, mostly the Learner Teacher Support Materials, are they delivered and enough, are the teachers there at the beginning of the year for our schools well functionally.

Gina added that they will also be looking at issues many programmes that we have in department like school nutrition is it well taken of. 

Agreement with political parties in regards with Parliament broken

Loyiso Langeni
25 November 2014

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa said the agreement that was made with political parties last week has been broken.

Leaders of political parties had a meeting with Deputy President Ramaphosa where they discussed that the agreement reached last week could not proceed due to the Democratic Alliance tabling a motion of censure against President Jacob Zuma.

Ramaphosa said government will continue to engage with parties on matters on how to maintain a very good decorum in Parliament. 

He emphased that the deal is off that we have struck, it was lastly breached by the Democratic Alliance’s motion of censure against the President which departed from the spirit around which the deal was struck.

“We also said that we must now allow process in Parliament to unfold. As the leader of government business we opened to continue to meet with political parties into the future to discuss matters of interest.” Ramaphosa added.

Debate around increase in pass requirements rages on

Lusanda Bill
25 November 2014

The National Professional Teachers Organisation said it is necessary to increase the pass requirements at school but the way it has been done has disadvantaged pupils. 

This follows the Department of Basic Education on Monday stating that the as from this year schools will adjust their exams scores for pupils in Grade 7, 8 and 9.

The organisations Basil Manuel said the change was too soon. Schools who are setting their exams at a particular level find that more than 50% of the children are failing. However they are not failing because they don’t know the work but because the pass requirements have changed and they are required to know much more.

Manuel said this increase in pass requirement must be done in batches and not in one go because it will not turn out good for the pupils.

Meanwhile the Democratic Alliance said it believes that increasing the pass requirements needs proper support for teachers and students. 

DA MP of Basic Education Annette Lovemore said merely increasing pass requirements cannot increase the quality of education. 

Lovemore said the Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga is now having to intervene and allow schools to adjust their marks so that they do not have a high failure rate. The effective is the pass marks will be exactly the same as they were previously.

“What the Minister has to do is to go back to basic, she has to make sure that our children can read, write, understand what they read and apply what they read before she can look at sophisticated solutions like increasing the pass mark that can come, but reading and writing must come first” Lovemore added.  

A bus accident leaves 26 people injured

Lusanda Bill
25 November 2014

An accident late last night on the N3 near Escourt in KwaZulu Natal left 26 people injured, this is after a bus lost control in wet weather and overturned. 

ER24 Spokesperson Russel Meiring said paramedics had to battle heavy rain as well as hail while treating the patients for their injuries. 

Meiring said the injuries of the 26 people ranged from minor to moderate and they were all transported to hospital for further medical care.   

The exact details to the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation. 

16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children launched

Lusanda Bill
25 November 2014

As today marks the start of the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children, South Africans have been called to take a stand against violence and abuse. 

In South Africa someone gets raped every four minutes and an estimated 30 percent of girls will be raped by the time they are 18-years-old. 

President Jacob Zuma will officially launch the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children in Reiger Park. 

Presidential Spokesperson Mac Maharaj said the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children is an international campaign observed from 25 November to 10 December to raise awareness of the negative impact that violence has on women, children and society.

Maharaj added that this year’s campaign will be held under the theme “Count Me In. Together moving a non-violent South Africa forward”.

SAPS stomp down on crime in Nyanga

Oscar Thomas
25 November 2014

Operations in Nyanga led to the arrest of 197 suspects for various crimes including drugs, illegal possession of firearms and traffic violations. 

Captain FC van Wyk said 77 houses were searched for drugs and 17 illegal firearms were confiscated during the operations last week.

FC van Wyk said all these arrests were made during visible patrols, tracing operations, as well Vehicle Check Point conducted during operations over the weekend.

FC van Wyk said drugs that were confiscations were 63g of Heroin,442 units of Tik,72 Mandrax Tablets,54654.1g of Dagga,78 fines to the value of R70 300 were also issued during VCPs conducted,47 shebeen operations were conducted and 51 769.9 litres of liquor was confiscated,8 stolen motor vehicles were recovered and 17 illegal firearms were confiscated.

 “These successes are part of an attempt by the police in the province to eradicate crime in the cluster and to ensure a safe and secure environment for the communities living in these areas FC van Wyk added.

DA calls for investigation of the brutal attack of Delia Adonis

Loyiso Langeni
25 November 2014

The Democratic Alliance has called for an immediate investigation into the brutal attack of Delia Adonis and the officers dealing with the case. 

It is alleged that Adonis was attacked by five students after she tried to assist a man who was being attacked.

Police allegedly tried to conceal the case. 

DA MP of Police Dianne Kohler Barnard said the police officers responsible for concealing the evidence in Ms Adonis’s case must be brought to justice. The IPID is a crucial mechanism for South Africans to hold those police officers to account, I am talking about those police officers who do not do their jobs.

Barnard added that she will be persistent in ensuring McBride institutes the necessary disciplinary action against criminal cops across our country.

“It is these members of the police service who undermine the good work done by the vast majority of the men and women of our police service.” Barnard said.

Two prisoners arrested for extortion related charges

Two prisoners were arrested last week for extortion related charges. PICTURE: PIXABAY According to police, the two suspects operated from ...