Saturday, November 01, 2014

Mitchell's Plain CPF concerned by attacks on paramedics

Oscar Thomas
01 November 2014

The Mitchell’s Plain Community Policing Forum has raised its concern regarding paramedics or emergency services workers being attacked while attending to emergencies.

Last year the Western Cape Department of Health identified Delft, Elsies River, Manenberg, Mitchells Plain, Khayelitsha and Lavender Hill as high-risk areas for paramedics to attend emergencies. 

Mitchell’s Plain Community Policing Forum’s Abie Isaacs said earlier this week, criminals stripped an ambulance, while paramedics were attending to an emergency in Eastridge.

Isaacs said it’s reported various medical equipment was stolen.

Isaacs added that it was one of at least seven incidents which have occurred in Mitchell’s Plain this year.  

Isaacs said they don’t want this acts of crime to affect the EMS services in the area.

“At the end of the day we don’t want to see ourselves as Mitchell’s Plain where EMS services in particular, do decided not to come to the area because of this incidents Isaac added.

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