Thursday, January 23, 2014

More inmates to be trained in agricultural production

Loyiso Langeni
23 January 2014

The Department of Correctional Services Minister Sibusiso Ndebele said he wants more inmates to be skilled in agricultural production. 

The department is aiming towards self-sufficiency through the use of its 40,000 hectares of correctional centre farm land. 

Agricultural productivity takes place on 21 correctional centre farms and 96 smaller vegetable production sites. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Logan Maistry said as part of creating an active offender community, offenders must work and study and leave correctional centres with a skill in one hand and a certificate in the other hand.

To this end, more inmates will be trained in agricultural production.

“As, Department of Correctional Services we want to achieve self-sufficiency through our correctional centre farms” Maistry added.

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