Monday, November 10, 2014

NPA application against Oscar Pistorius to be heard next month

Loyiso Langeni
10 November 2014

The National Prosecuting Authority has confirmed that its application for leave to appeal Oscar Pistorius judgment and sentence, will be heard on the 9th of December 2014 at the North Guateng High Court.

Last month Oscar Pistorius was sentenced to five years in prison for shooting and killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine’s Day last year.

NPA Spokesperson Nathi Mncube said they further reiterate that their purpose for this leave to appeal because they believe that there was an error in the law that was made in the interpretation of one of the element in crime.
Mncube said we feel that it is important for the state to seek clarity from the Supreme Court of Appeal on the very same principle. This is for that reason that we have taken that decision that we are going to appeal.

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