Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Cape Crime Crisis Coalition urges government to develop plan to remove guns from South Africa

The Cape Crime Crisis Coalition is urging the government to develop a strategy to eliminate guns from the country. In the last three months, 177 people were shot dead in the Western Cape.

Recent crime statistics indicate that gang activity is responsible for 17% of the province's murder rate. The coalition's chairperson, Llewellyn MacMaster, described the gang violence as similar to a low-intensity civil war.

“We are therefore at one with the Cape Flats Safety Forum, Gun Free SA, Balls Not Guns, and community members and organisations who have called for a comprehensive and sustainable plan to remove firearms from society”

MacMaster announced that the coalition will work on a provincial safety plan next year, with input from citizens and community organisations.


Done by: Stephanie Van Rayen


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