Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Don't be forced to give 'Christmas box' to City staff, says CoCT

Cape Town residents are reminded that they are under no obligation to give cash donations or Christmas boxes to the City of Cape Town’s Solid Waste Management staff and contractors.

COURTESY: City of Cape Town

The municipality says it has a policy in place which prohibits staff and contractors from soliciting Christmas boxes, or money from residents. However, residents are welcome to give a voluntary cash donation or a box of goodies.

‘’Reports of staff requesting donations will be investigated immediately and, where residents are willing to testify, the City will be able to take appropriate disciplinary action. To investigate such a report, we will need at least the vehicle registration number and the date and time of the incident,’’ Grant Twigg, MMC for Urban Waste Management.

‘’Residents should also be aware that certain opportunists attempt to pose as collections staff at this time of year. If residents suspect that the people who approach them are misrepresenting themselves, the matter should be reported to the South African Police Service,’’ he added.

The City of Cape Town says its refuse and recycling services are operational on Christmas day and every other public holiday.

‘’Residents must please ensure that their bins are placed out for servicing on time as the reduction in traffic typically experienced over this period means crews travel quickly on their respective routes,’’ said Twigg.

‘’Residents are also reminded that there is ongoing risk of refuse collection delays throughout the City currently, and they should leave bins out until 21:00 each night to ensure collection. If not collected on the scheduled day, please bring it out again each day until it is emptied. Report uncollected bins after 48 hours,’’ he added.


Done By: Mitchum George

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