Monday, December 25, 2006

50% South Africans don't back Zuma

By Tarryn Le Chat
25 December 2006

Half of South Africans believe a Jacob Zuma presidency would bring disaster and nearly 60 percent think he has disgraced the country.

A nationwide poll by Research Surveys shows the country virtually split down the middle over the ANC deputy president’s political future.

The results show that there is deep divisions inside the ruling tripartite divisions inside the ruling succession bid for a nation-wide phenomenon.

It confirms that Zuma’s main support base remains among Zulu speakers in KwaZulu- Natal and is lowest among Xhosa speakers.

Nationally, 43 percent of respondent’s want Zuma reinstated. His staunchest supporters outside KZN were likely to be black, male, unemployed and under the age of 34.

Among whites, coloureds and Indians, Jacob Zuma’s reputation and standing are in tatters according to Research Surveys director Neil Higgs.

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