Friday, December 29, 2006

Police continue to find 8 pipe bombs

By Odette Ismail
29 December 2006

The search continues to find eight pipe bombs in the Western Cape. This comes after a man was denied bail, yesterday in the Malmesbury Magistrates Court.

The man, who was arrested, last month apparently has ties with People Against Gangsterism and Drugs, an organisation in the late 90’s.

The court, according to the Cape Times, denied the Athlone man bail due to the safety of the public.

He allegedly was in possession of three pipe bombs when police arrested him.

The court also heard claims that urban terrorists were planning an attack on Cape Town’s main tourist attraction.

Police confirmed that they had received threats of the V&A Waterfront being a target for pipe bomb attacks.

According to a SABC report, police received a call where they were told that 11 pipe bombs were still out there.

The 46-year-old man has a prison record and has been linked to similar cases before.

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