Friday, December 08, 2006

Mother beats child and throws her out

By Tando Mfengwana
08 December 2006

A five-year old girl was allegedly assaulted and burnt by her mother and stepfather and then thrown out of the house.

The girl’s mother allegedly put her hands on a hotplate while the stepfather whipped her with a belt.

According to an Independent Online report, the incident took place on Tuesday when they accused her of stealing 30 cents.

She was found by police wandering in the streets after calls about a child walking around with burn wounds on her hands on Wednesday.

She was taken to Dora Ngiza Hospital.

The couple is expected to appear in the Port Elizabeth Magistrate court on Friday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope that some one in prison does the exact same thing to those "parents"! I wish I could get hold of them and burn their hands right off.

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