Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Suspect released on bail after murder of teacher

By Odette Ismail
05 December 2006

A man facing charges of murdering a Kraaifontein school teacher has been released on R800 bail. He faces charges of murder, theft and robbery.

Aubrey Classen appeared in the Blue Downs Magistrate’s court last week, after Eddy Munisi, a teacher at Masibambane High school in Bloekombos was found dead in Mfuleni, with a belt around his neck.

Claasen's attorney, according to a daily paper, told the court that his client cannot sit in jail for a crime he doesn’t know anything about.

An investigating officer also stated that R3 200 was taken of Munisi’s account, at a Goodwood ATM , two hours after he was last seen alive. He says another amount of R1 500 was withdrawn in Eersteriver two days later.

Officer Bertie Mong says he watched a video of a man wearing a Khaki jacket at the Goodwood ATM. It is believed blood had been seen on the man’s sleeve.

A jacket was found in Claasen’s best friend’s house, Eugene Skei. It is alleged that Claasen borrowed the jacket from Skei.

Bail has been granted due to no direct evidence linking the accused to the crime. The case has been postponed to next year March.

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