Sunday, December 24, 2006

Police sergeant arrested for corruption

By Chanel September
24 September 2006

This past week a Delft police sergeant was arrested on charges of corruption, fraud and defeating the ends of justice.

Sergeant Zhonnie Lucas was arrested on Wednesday night. The arrest followed after the recently appointed Station Commissioner, Director Mbulelo Manci, instituted an investigation into irregularities pertaining to the bail conditions register at the police station.

Police spokesperson Superintendant Billy Jones says that it is alleged that the sergeant assisted a suspect in a Fraud case to violate his bail conditions.

Lucas also allegedly fraudulently produced another bail conditions file stating that the suspect never violated his bail conditions imposed by the court. He reportedly went to the court to testify in defence of the suspect that he complied with his bail conditions.

Lucas was granted R1000 bail in the Bellville Magistrates Court.

The process of a possible suspension of the sergeant has been instituted by the Police station management.

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