Sunday, June 16, 2013

Youth Day celebrations are underway

Mluleki Mrwebi
16 June 2013

South Africa is today celebrating Youth Day which marks 37 years since the 1976 Soweto schools uprising, which Youth Day commemorates.

In all provinces there are planned events for the celebrations of the Youth Day. The South African Democratic Teachers Union has wished the youth of today a happy youth day.

SADTU`s Deputy General Secretary Nkosana Dolopi said today’s  youth is equally  facing a barrage of challenges – high unemployment, inequality, high levels of violence – physical and sexual - in the school and at home.

Dolopi further said this day should be to pay tribute to the youth of 1976 and urge today’s youth to fashion themselves around the 76 youth.

President Jacob Zuma will address the national event at Newcastle in kwaZulu-Natal.

A planned march will take place in Gauteng to mark Youth Day with a march along the route taken by the protesting 1976 learners from Naledi High School to Orlando Stadium. 

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