Monday, January 25, 2016

DA going after Department of Social Development

Raymond Pani
22 January 2016

The Democratic Alliance Shadow Minister of Social Development, Bridget Masango, will deliver a memorandum to the Department of Social Development’s Head Office today.
Press officer of the DA Luvuyo Ndlangisa said “
Today the Democratic Alliance Shadow minister of social development, Bridget Masango will deliver a memorandum to the department of social developments head of Pretoria.
 Ms Masango will be joined by Lindy Wilson, DA Show Deputy Minister of social development, and Karen de cock DA member on the social development portfolio committee.
The memorandum is a call to the minister to act urgently to provide jobs for more than 2500 social worker bursary holders, who were to be promised jobs by the department but remain unemployed.

 They must give the opportunity to contribute to provide much needed essential services and social assistance to South Africans across the country”.

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