Thursday, January 14, 2016

Woodstock Police arrested 2 women for dealing in drugs

Simamkele Vakaza
14 January 2016

The Woodstock Police and members attached to the Cape Town Cluster Crime Prevention Unit arrested two women aged 45 and 37 years-old yesterday for dealing in drugs, at a known drug outlet in Albert road Woodstock. Sergeant Hilton Malila

The arrest follows during scheduled crime prevention patrols, when officers received information from the public pertaining to dealing in drugs at the Albert street house.

He says Police members reacted swiftly and during the searching of the promises confiscated 31 mandrax tablets, 112 packets of tik, 63 units of heroin and 4 stoppe dagga that was hidden in and around the premises.

The estimated street value of the drugs is +- R15 000.00, he concluded.”

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