Friday, January 08, 2016

South Africans government issues a new model for the NHI

Nontando Mafanya
08 January 2015

Taxpayers in South Africa are facing the harsh prospect of soon paying more than three types of different tax for medical services.

This comes after the Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi, published the ANC’s long promised White Paper on the National Health Insurance, in the government Gazette last month.

Armand Grayling of AfriBusiness says the NHI is a wonderful idea  at the expense of already overburdened taxpayers.

"The South Africans government has issued a new model for the national health insurance."

"This model needs to be implemented over the 14 years and will cost the taxpayers at least R256 billion."

"The financing will be done through increase of taxes over across the board for all South Africans and AfriBusiness due everything in this power to deliver commentary against any proposed legislation which will have negative impacts on its members and the whole of South Africa."

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