Friday, January 15, 2016

SACP not in support of new Tax Laws Amendment Act

Siphelo Bayana
15 January 2016

The South African Communist Party, or SACP does not support the promulgation into law, of the Tax Laws Amendment Act and the Tax Administration Law Amendment Act of 2015 and is concerned about the process which was followed. 

The SACP’s Alex Mashilo says President Jacob Zuma and the government must not take workers’ voice lightly, even if this is proclaimed to be in their  best interest.

 Alex Mashilo said… 

“We created the National Economic Development and Labour Council to discuss economic and labour policy for the country. 

If that institution is not utilised and other mechanisms are used, there will be far rich implications to social dialogue in this country.

It is very important when you deal with resources that belong to other people they agree with the directions being taken over with those resources.”

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