Thursday, January 28, 2016

Human Right Violation Report document to be released

Simamkele Vakaza
28 January 2016

A report documenting the Human Rights Violation experienced by people who use drugs in 3 cities in South Africa will be released at a press conference at RUN2016 SA Drug Policy Week.

Advocacy and Psychosocial Coordinator, Shaun Shelly says the 246 human rights abuses recorded, which range from assault and extortion to having medicine confiscated, make it more difficult for people who use drugs to access health services. Shelly explains that

The RUN2016 SA Drug Policy week there will be a press conference where we will be distributing and highlighting a human rights violation report that has been developed as part of the service delivery program for the step-up project which delivers HIV prevention services to people around South Africa.

He says that “The press conference will take place on Wednesday, 3rd February, Sun Hotel Newlands.”

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