Friday, January 15, 2016

IFP is against dumping of US meat in this Country

Simamkele Vakaza
15 January 2016

The Inkatha Freedom Party has placed an emphasis on the dumping of foreign food in South Africa.

 In a statement issued, IFP spokesperson Nkosi Cebekhulu says should dumped US meat be allowed to enter South Africa , it will become a burden on the farmers, effectively shutting out emerging farmers.

“The fact that America forces South Africa to accept the delivery of those Chickens into South Africa”, said Nkosi Cebekhulu.

“When it is alleged numerous diseases. America brings in cheaper stuff into South Africa, it’s difficult for our farmers”, explained Cebekhulu.

 He added “Because those cheap stuff from America are subsidised. Whereas our own government does not subsides poultry farmers”. 

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