Friday, September 27, 2019

5 Ethopians arrested for human trafficking

Five  ethopians have been arrested in relation to the kidnapping of three ethopian teenagers over the weekend.

The hawks spokesperson Captain llyoid Ramovha said the suspects were arrested after they kidnapped 3 teenagers. He said the teenagers were smuggled in to the country and kept in Gauteng. For each teenager, 50,000  safe return ransom was demanded from their parents who are based in the North West.
Ramovha said the teenagers have been taken to a place of safety while the investigations continue.

In another incident, two Indian nationals appeared in Nelspruit Magistrate Court for human trafficking.Atif Ali and Subuj Miah allegedly recruited four Bangladesh Men into the country and demanded ransom money from their families.

Edited by
Naledi Lefatsa

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Online petition launched by firefighters

The City of Cape Town’s fire Department  will no longer work any overtime hours starting from next month, because they are only paid a very small fragment over their usual salaries for the many overtimes they work each month.

As the summer approaches and the fire season threatens, this could mean the city will have no one to fight the fires across the province.The fire fighters have started the  online petition pleading with the City of Cape Town to pay them their hours of overtime and are also asking the public to  add their signatures. The public is urged to visit the petition here: Renumerate City of Cape Town Firefighters for their hours worked

The firefighters are fully paid to work 40 hours per week, which is the total of 160 hours per month. However they work up to total of 240 hours per month. That means they work 80 hours compulsory overtime each month. These hours are not covered by their obligational salary.
The rate  agreement was met many years ago according to a “Fire lapse agreement” which has long since been expired, and they say they will no longer allow anyone to  take advantage.

Edited by
Naledi Lefatsa



The Labour Court ruled this morning that the planned bank strike by trade union COSATU and SASBO has been stopped. The court ruled the banking sector would be unprotected, at least 50 000 people were expected to join a banking sector national strike led by finance union SASBO. Business Unity South Africa was seeking to stop the protest as it argued that the trade union federation COSATU’s section 77 notice sent to the National Economic Development and Labour Council may not satisfied the requirements for the strike to be legally protected.

Done BY
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi

Launch of a New Partnership for a Cleaner Cape Town CBD

Launch of a New Partnership for a Cleaner Cape Town CBD

Cigarette butt litter is major problem in Cape Town’s CBD and a source of ocean pollution. As exciting new partnership for a cleaner Cape Town will be launched in the city’s Central Business District on Thursday 26 September. Phillip Morris South Africa, an affiliate of one of the world’s largest tobacco companies, aims to tackle this problem by teaming up with Central City Improvements District and the City of Cape Town.
The collaboration is the start of an ongoing effort to raise public awareness on cigarette butt litter. Teams of Phillip Morris employees will spread across the CBD to clean up cigarette butt litter.
The massive pile of cigarette butt will be displayed in St George’s Mall during the busy lunch hour.

Done By
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi

The nurse in the Dog-Poo saga wants bail conditions relaxed

The Tygerberg  hospital nurse accused of  kidnapping and forcing a woman to eat dog  faeces, will hear her fate on Thursday whether she can go back to work.

This is after she went to Goodwood Magistrate court on Wednesday to make a request.

Elizabeth Williams, 38, is accused of forcing the 27 year old woman to eat dog faeces  she collected from her dogs, before drawing her blood  from the arm to test for HIV and feeding her abortion pills.
The case continues on Thursday

Edited by
Naledi Lefatsa

Ekurhuleni metro police has been suspended

An Ekurhuleni metropolitan police officer, who was allegedly  drunk while on duty has been suspended. This comes after a video of him circulating on social media, showing him sitting down and struggling to stand up. The video also shows some alcohol in EMPD vehicle.

A tweet by Ekurhuleni Mayor Mzwandile Masina  confirmed that the officer and his superviser have indeed been suspended from their duties by the police chief Major General Isaac Mapiyeye.
Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula also took to twitter, calling the incident a shame and saying that the metro police officer will be called into account.

Edited by
Naledi Lefatsa

10th Funda Mzantsi Championship – Building Creative Minds

The National Library of South Africa in collaboration with the Department of Correctional Services and George Municipality is hosting the 10th Funda Mzantsi Championship in George, Western Cape from 23 – 27 September 2019 under the theme “Building Creative Minds”

The Funda Mzantsi project was in response to the survey conducted by the South African Book Development Council in 2007, and the project was started as part of the National Library of South Africa’s mandate to instil a culture of reading amongst South African communities.  

Last year, 75 book clubs competed at the 09thFunda Mzantsi Championship and we saw the level of participation and competition grow significantly. For the first time last year, a book club for visually impaired people participated in the Competition.

Done by
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What is looting?

Looting is to rob especially during or following a catastrophe as war, riot, or disaster or to rob especially on a large scale and usually by violence or corruption.

The difference between stealing and looting?

The act of stealing during a general disturbance, while looting is the act of robbing during a riot. Stealing normally mentions the activity to take away belongings of someone without permission or legal right, whereas looting is generally stealing typically when a war, riot, occur. It is also well-defined as taking away the belongings of the others forcefully. In situation like war, thieves take advantage of the situation as people leave behind a lot of belongings.  Stealing is done in order to take away the valuables, so that they can be sold or used by the person.

Articles on looting that you can read on includes:
In the Western Cape there has been numerous instances of looting taking place. One of the areas are, Samora Machel, where twenty-one residents were arrested after a Spar supermarket was looted along with other nearby businesses and few weeks ago the police had to investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of a pregnant woman during violent riot and looting in informal settlement. Yesterday in Valhalla Park, on the eve of  Heritage Day, also known as ‘’braai day’, a street was fled down by looters with whole animal carcasses slung over their shoulders and a deep freeze packed with meat as a butchery was stripped bare in Cape Town. Video footage taken by residents shows the butchery being raided aisle by aisle, with a deep freeze looted of all its contents. Looters ran down the street with packs of meat, screaming, as police arrived.

By: Ellouise Muller

Police try to identify slain suspect in Monwabisi Beach shootout

The police are trying to identify an accomplice who was killed in a shootout with police at Monwabisi Beach along with a suspect sought for the murder of two Law Enforcement official. The shootout began when police officers where in pursuit of perpetrators who were involve in serious and violent crimes. Andre Traut who is the police spokesperson said “the suspect was also sought for the murder of law enforcement officers Simthembile Nyangiwe and Jan Niewehuis, who were killed in Sweet Home Farm earlier this month”.

The police haven’t clearly identified the accomplice who was killed during the shootout, however they have received a tipoff from the public about one of the suspects who was involve in the Monwabisi shootout. Reports from the police came and the suspect was not named but they claim he is a 29-year-old man from Samora Machel. Police reports says the man who was killed during the shootout was a wanted rapist and murderer.

Andre Traut went on to say during a shoot-out between members of our Special Task Force and the suspect, he and his unknown accomplice were both fatally wounded and that police staff are trained to understand what constitutes legitimate use of force in self-defence.

By Chuma Matiwane

24/7 Traffic Cops on the cards as 23 killed on Western Cape roads

Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula has said efforts to ensure that traffic policing was a 24-hour-a-day, 7-days-a-week activity were under way.

They are engaging with all traffic authorities in the country and traffic officers through relevant channels to ensure that the implementation of this intervention does not negatively affect circumstances of service of their officers and must all appreciate that safety on our roads is a collective responsibility he went on further. 

This after 23 people were killed on Western Cape roads over the weekend. Other fatalities were reported in the Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo and Mpumalanga.

Western Cape traffic chief Kenny Africa said the fatalities were between weekend. Of the 23, 14 were passengers, four were drivers, and five were pedestrians.

The figure included the death of 10 construction workers who were killed on Saturday when the bakkie they were travelling in overturned on Ou Kaapseweg. This while the City’s traffic officials arrested 47 intoxicated motorists and issued 1486 fines for various other offences.

Safety and Security mayco member JP Smith said: They will increase our efforts to ensure that motorists abide by the laws of the road to make it safer, and to bring those who transgress to book.

By: Aneeqa du Plessis

World Lung Day

Celebrated the 25th September, an opportunity for us to all unite and promote better lung health globally. Here are some shocking facts:
·        10 million people develop tuberculosis and 1.6 million die from it each year.
·        65 million people suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 3 million die from it each year.
·        334 million people suffer from asthma and it affects 14 percent of children globally.
·        1.76 million people die from lung cancer each year.
·        Pneumonia kills millions of people each year.

This year’s #WorldLungDay theme is – healthy lungs for all.

Done By
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi

Keizergracht Street changed back to its original name – Hanover Street

Keizergracht Street changed back to its original name – Hanover Street

The road is now called Hanover Street, the name it bore before District Six forced removal in the 1960s during apartheid. District Sic Working Committee made a request to change it earlier this year and it was approved during a full council sitting.

There was no better Heritage Day gift for residents of the historic community for the District Six Committee.

Done By
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi


Total Shutdown movement are protesting today affecting major arterial roads such as M7, Jakes Gerwel, The Stellenbosch Arterial, Valhalla Drive and Voortrekker Road in the Cape Town metro from 5am to 10am.
The Shutdown movement aims to get the governments attention because none of their demands were met since the memorandum was given last year, but says there won’t be any burning tyres nor throwing stones.

The Total Shutdown movement’s full statement reads: “Stop the gender based violence! Stop the crime in our communities! Shutdown your area on 25 September 2019! And their demands remain the same:
1.   We call for an end to the deployment of the SANDF in our areas.
2.   We call for the immediate deployment of permanent base camps in all hot zones.
3.   We call for immediate deployment of tactical response units in all hot zones.
4.   We call for immediate relocation of SAPS from rich suburbs and to be allocated to the hot zones.
5.   We call for the immediate deployment of Law Enforcement and Metro Police to the hot zones.
6.   We demand a Mass public Works Programme at a living wage as unemployment, poverty and inequality creates the breeding ground for organised crime.
7.   We call for the building of drug rehabilitation centres in our communities, especially for our youth from crippling substance abuse addiction.
8.   We call for an army of social workers, more teachers, and community sports and skills development centres.
9.   We demand that the Western Cape be declarwed a disaster area and that all required human and material resources be utilised to better the lives of the working class.
1.               We demand police protection for train commuters as well as police presence along taxi routes and reassuring safety measures.

Done By
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi

Monday, September 23, 2019

Calls mount for e-cigarettes ban, claims that vaping bill ‘does not go far enough’

Calls are mounting for a ban on e-cigarettes after numerous deaths in the US were attributed to vaping, and after India banning the advertising, selling, importing, or of producing e-cigarettes. Control of Tobacco Products and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Bill, the national government’s proposed pursues to regulate e-cigarettes in the same way as traditional cigarettes.
If passed into law, the bill seeks to control the advertising and of sale e-cigarettes, to offer standards for their manufacture and export and - utmost importantly for the anti-smoking lobby - to prohibit their sale to and by persons under the age of 18.

But medical expert Tony Westwood, head of the General and Community Paediatrics School of Child and Adolescent Health at the Faculty of Health Sciences at UCT, said the bill didn’t go far enough. He said young people could be easily lured into vaping addiction as e-cigarettes contained nicotine, which had been proven to permanently change the structure of young brains. Lucy Balona, head of marketing and communication at the Cancer Association of SA, said: “The safety of e-cigarettes has not yet been scientifically shown. Testing has highlighted that e-cigarettes vary widely in the amount of nicotine and other chemicals they deliver, and this is not communicated to buyers.”

Finance Minister Tito Mbowweni, proposed in his maiden Budget speech in February a tax on vaping. However the tobacco companies have come out swinging against any talk of closer regulation or even a ban.

By: Ellouise Muller

In the Western Cape 14% of SA hijackings took place

On the road there is nearly 1.4 million registered cars/motorcycles, the Western Cape has 18% of South African’s total, and accounted for 14% of the country’s car thefts and hijackings during the 2018/19 period.

Naked, which overlays the National Traffic Information System (eNaTis) database of registered vehicles (cars and motorcycles) on 2018/19 crime statistics, which the figures come from an analysis by the artificial intelligence driven car insurance provider from the SAPS to understand vehicle theft patterns across all nine provinces. According to the National Hijack Prevention Academy Guidelines, with ever more sophisticated anti-theft devices that drivers can acquire for their cars such as GPS trackers and more traditional ones such as immobilisers, gear-locks and alarms, motor vehicles should be safer than ever, but instead these steps have resulted in a dramatic increase in vehicle hijackings.

In the month July 2018 to June 2019, vehicle crime statistics released by South Africa’s primary theft retrieval firm, Tracker, cover vehicle theft and hijacking and provide insight into the time of day and day of the week when vehicle crime is most likely to occur in South Africa.

The majority of activations as a percentage of Tracker’s installed base are in Gauteng, followed by KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape. In the Western Cape, the suburbs most affected by hijacking are Philippi, Khayelitsha and Maitland, and the areas most affected by theft are Philippi, Claremont and Dunoon. Tracker’s data indicates that the most activations (activated means that Tracker initiated recovery action) for hijackings take place on a Friday between 11am and 1pm, followed by 8pm to 11pm.

Vehicles are activated for theft mainly on a Saturday between noon and 2pm.

By: Ellouise Muller

The Royals are in Cape Town.

On Monday, the Mother City will welcome the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on the first day of their tour to South Africa and some of its neighbours. The 10-day tour will keep the royals busy, with a total of 35 engagements on their itinerary. For the next three days, Harry and Meghan will interact with numerous communities across Cape Town.

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan is scheduled to have a busy first day, with three events. The Duke and Duchess will be welcomed by British High Commissioner to South Africa, Nigel Casey, who tweeted that he was looking forward to their visit. On Monday the tour officially starts on Monday afternoon they will visit a township in Cape Town where the royals will meet locals – the details of this event has, however, been kept secret.

They will head to District 6 after that, where they will tour the museum and learn about the history of the area. During this tour the royals will also meet former residents of the area who were forcibly relocated during apartheid. The busy first day ends in District 6 where Harry and Meghan will join a local cooking activity.

It's not clear if South Africans will get a glimpse of the couple's five-month-old son, Archie, but speculation is that there are plans to have the youngster at some of the engagements.

By: Ellouise Muller

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Blood Bank a Boost for Khayelitsha hospital

And for some good news, The Khayelitsha District Hospital (KDH) has become the fifth hospital to receive a blood bank through a partnership between the Western Cape government and the Western Cape Blood Service (WCBS).

The blood bank will operate for 24 hours and will result in rapid availability of cross-matched blood to the hospital and other surrounding hospitals, where the demand is always high, particularly in trauma wards with Khayelitsha being classified as a red zone. Gregory Bellairs, chief executive of Western Cape Blood Service, said this was the first blood bank they had opened in more than 20 years.

It has enabled them to bring the blood supply closer to the patients of this and surrounding hospitals, and that includes improving their ability to supply blood on the Cape Flats where the epidemic of trauma and violence is high, as well as the burden of disease.  

Khayelitsha has a lot of interpersonal violence with gunshot and stab wounds cases in the emergency care. Bringing this service closer to the people is even much more necessary as blood is a precious gift, which will enable us to save more lives.

By: Aneeqa du Plessis

Teen goes to party, tells parents she was kidnapped and almost sold as sex slave

Picture: IOL

A girl has gotten herself into trouble after she had lied about being kidnapped and almost sold as a sex slave. A matric student apparently created a fictitious story after spending the night at a party with his friends and boyfriend, looking for a reason to put her out of trouble, she told her parents and teachers, that she was kidnapped and kept in a Heinz Park shack by "black foreigner men" on Sunday night and would be sold as a sex slave with 10 other girls. According to IOL, A Grade 12 student from Athlone High School was caught by the Manenberg detective, Sergeant Darryl van Noie.

The station's police chief, Colonel Sanele Zama, said they had spent significant time investigating the "shocking" case. “The child was brought to the station on Monday by her parents. "In her report, she claims she was walking down Zuurberg Road (Heideveld) on Sunday after 7pm when a man put a scarf on his face and she could not see," explains Zama. she woke up on Monday morning and did not know where she was, and with 10 other girls with their hands and feet tied with ropes and she saw "black men outside". “she continued to say that there was a riot outside the shacks and that the men from there had the opportunity to talk to the other girls who said they would be sent at 3pm to be sold as sex slaves, Zama said. The girl said she had money and a cellphone in which she managed to escape, but was shocked to see that the shack was in "Heinz Park." she was taken to the doctor but asked to bring a J88 form then had to visit the police station and where she was caught, adding Zama. At this time, social media was suspicious of the “kidnapping”, which posed a threat to the community.

Edited by Intern:
Mandlenkosi Mde

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Greenpop says plant trees and save the world

With September being Arbor month, the non-profit organisation has launched a bold new tree planting initiative to raise 10 000 trees in 30 days.
Greenpop, a local environmental organisation, who are calling for more trees to be planted in an attempt to mitigate climate change. It's all part of their longer-term goal to plant 500 000 trees by the year 2025. Since 2010, Greenpop has planted over 115 000 trees and worked on environmental projects in urban greening, reforestation and conservation agriculture across sub-Saharan Africa. Greenpop focus has been on connecting people with the planet, engaging communities and inspiring environmental stewards.

On 28 March, 2019, speakers at a General Assembly High-Level Meeting of the United Nations warned that the planet has just 11 years left to prevent irreversible damage from climate change.

For further information on how you can make a difference this Arbor Month by donating to trees which will be planted across Sub-Saharan Africa, visit for more information on how to contribute.

By: Ellouise Muller


Today on the 17th of sepetember 2019  we were speaking to  Imaan Singly and Amy Meyer the ex students from Big Fish School of digital Filmmaking, telling us about the experiences they acquired at the film academy. Also mentioning the issue of funding being a setback to other students who want to study film.

Big Fish School of Filming Academy started way back in 2003 and it has branches all over South Africa, giving its students basic skills in filming, editing and producing. Amy says they have been many challenges in her journey especially because the film schools are expensive, and for someone coming from the cape flats it was impossible for her to study film. “Coming from the cape flats theres no opportunities to study things like film and no information regarding to that. Growing up you are expected to be a doctor or a lawyer because things like film are way too expensive” she said.

They have mentioned that the academy really needs the funding to help students like them to achieve their dreams. “big fish schools it’s a school close to our hearts, if it close down it will mean other people wont get these opportunities, I have had a privilege of travelling around the country with the academy and my documentary was played internationally” Imaan said.

If you have any comments regarding the news feature please email us at

By: Naledi Lefatsa


Leila Siljeur, a 19 year old chemical engineering student at Stellenbosch University was inspired after seeing a social media post of a sea turtle with a plastic fork stuck in its nose and felt she need to play her part in conserving the environment and marine life by reducing plastic pollution.

She then decided to design her own brand of edible and environmentally friendly straws and won R50000 for her awesome creation in a recent Allan Gray Orbis Foundation National Jamboree.

Her invention was registered under the name Eat Me Straws. The straws come in a variety of different styles namely: regular, health and vegan. The best part? They don’t get mushy when you put them in a wet substance. Siljeur says even though companies are creating biodegradable straws some of them still end up in the ocean posing a threat to marine life.

Siljeur says she and her team had been selling small batches of 10 to 20 edible straws informally to students since last year. The feedback from the students who had bought the straws was positive, she said. “They love the straws.” 

She plans to produce more straws and sell them to businesses in Stellenbosch and other parts of the country saying the money she won will definitely come in handy in order to expand!

By: Aneeqa du Plessis

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Mitchells Plain Hospital has reopened following a wildfire

Picture: Daily Voice

City Fire and Rescue Services responded to Mitchells Plain Day Hospital early Monday after reports of fire and smoke coming from the roof. Patients were quickly evacuated and waited outside the gates as firefighters entered the scene. An elderly woman who was going for a monthly check-up said her blood pressure had suddenly risen. Daily Voice reported that, the hospital was closed for the weekend investigating the health and safety and clean-up after a fire that destroyed the theatre on Friday afternoon. The fire erupted about 12:30pm at night and buildings had to be evacuated.

On Monday, the Western Cape Department of Health confirmed that the facility will be open for services today. In a Facebook post on Sunday evening, the department said the services would continue as usual, "but we urge all customers to be patient with staff to ensure effective service after a painful incident". On Monday, the department said there was no second car, it was a wiring problem. “The fire department has ordered the site to repair it. Renovations took place on Monday morning. Normal evacuations are done to ensure patient safety and then services continue as usual.” Fire and rescue services spokesman, Jermaine Carelse, said: “It was an electrical wire that was located on the roof of the house, close to the consultation. "Electrician from their department was available and isolated that area”.

Edited by Intern:
Mandlenkosi Mde

Furious after madressa teacher accused of sexual assault received bail

Picture: Daily Voice

There was an uproar in the Wynberg Magistrate's Court on Monday when Pagad ordered that a Madressa teacher accused of abusing a 13-year-old girl be denied bail to remain in prison.

Abdul Karriem Davids of Surrey Estate has appeared in a sexual harassment lawsuit after the victim's mother charged him last week.
The 44-year-old teacher and owner of Halawat Ul Qur'an Haafith Academy in Ottery, was arrested by the Mitchells Plain Crime Organisation, Child Protection and Sexual Offenses Center on Thursday at the school.
He was taken to Grassy Park police station where he was charged with rape, which happened in Ramadaan, in May.

According IOL, Suspect spent last weekend in custody after his lawyer failed to release him on Thursday night.
On Monday, fellows of Pagad (People Against Gangsterism and Drugs) came to support the victim's family, speaking out when the prosecutor said the government would not oppose bail. However, Magistrate Goolam Bawa, did not tolerate overcrowding threw out Pagad members.
David released on R1000 bail with strict conditions.

Edited by Intern:
Mandlenkosi Mde

Monday, September 16, 2019

Nicholas Ninow guilty of rape, defeating the ends of justice, and possession of drugs

The Dros rape accused Nicholas Ninow has been found guilty of rape and defeating the ends of justice. Nicholas who was accused of raping a 7-year-old girl at the Dros restaurant in Pretoria last year. Nicholas Ninow’s trial has been ongoing since last year and last week the 7-year-old girl took to the stand. The girl took the stand with her mother and a former employee at the Dros restaurant. Last week the 21-year-old confessed to raping the seven-year-old girl in the ladies’ bathroom at the Dros restaurant. Ninow pleaded not guilty to assault.

In a guilty plea read out by his legal representative, Ninow confessed to raping the little girl who was then 7 after she had walked in on him while he was in the women’s bathroom using drugs. Judge Papi Masopo delivered his verdict this morning and the verdict read “On the charge of Rape, you are found guilty, possession of drugs you are found guilty, assault you are not found guilty, defeating or obstructing the ends of the administration of justice you are found guilty.” After the verdict the judge announced that sentencing will proceed on the 16th of October. Prior to the court proceedings Nicholas Ninow was said to be mentally ill but the judge ruled that out saying “the convicted rapist did not suffer from mental illness to not recognize that his actions were wrong”.

By Chuma Matiwane for Bush Radio News

Welcome to bush radio community information network, and these are your upcoming events

Nocturne at Alexander Bar10-21 sep 2019
Venue: Alexander Bar
Cost: R120 online\R140 at the door
Tel: 021 300 1088

Hermanus  Whale Festival 27 to 29 sep 2019
Venue: Hermanus Waterfront, Eco Marine Village
Time:fri 9am to sun 5pm
Cost: free
Facebook: Hermanus Whale Festival 2019

I see u- Imagining a space for freedom 29 aug to 30 nov 2019
Venue: Old Wine Cellar, Spier Wine Farm, R310 Baden Powell Drive, Stellenbosch
Time: 9am to 5pm
Cost: Free
Tel: 021 809 1100
Facebook: Spier Wine Farm

The Castle of Good Hope
Venue: Castle of Good Hope, Cnr Buitenkant & Darling St, Cape Town
Times: Daily 9am-5pm (closed on Christmas and New year )
Cost: R25- R50
Tel: 021 787 1249

If you would like us to broadcast your events, please contact us at

Currently all Western Cape’s illegal firearms are destroyed in Gauteng, bi-annually.

Community Safety MEC, Albert Fritz said the slow rate at which illegal firearms were being destroyed was a risk to the Western Cape’s safety. He added the police recovered 1037 illegal firearms between November 2018 and August 2019 in the Western Cape. Gun Free SA’s Claire Taylor said they called on Police Minister Bheki Cele to urgently proceed with actions to recover and destroy unwanted and illegally-held guns as soon as possible. Recent crimes statistics revealed that the majority of murders are committed using firearms. 13 of the top 30 stations reporting illegal possession of firearms and ammunition are located in the Western Cape.

Earlier in the year when SAPS revealed that between November and July 2019, 1037 illegal firearms were recovered in the Western Cape. Fritz called on Police Minister Bheki Cele for firearms to be destroyed. He added illegal weapons are brought into our province through smuggling, fraud and poor enforcement of the Firearms Control Act, and loss and theft of firearms from civilians and state institutions. Residents are urged to continue making use of the Illegal Firearms Hotline, which can be contacted on 078 330 9333.

At the same time in the year a 13-year-old boy was caught with a gun in Cravenby allegedly on his way to school to threaten another pupil.  Minister of Community Safety Albert Fritz offered three suggestions for curbing gun violence in the province.
1.     SAPS should restrict the sale of ammunition and cartridges to dealers.
2.     Develop an electronic tracking system for firearms linked to the Central Firearm Register and Minister of Community Safety.
3.     Develop a Provincial Firearm and Ammunition Control Act to allow for provinces to interfere in illegal activities surrounding firearms.

According to the Institute for Security Studies shows three main avenues for guns entering the illegal market are fraud and corruption, smuggling, and loss and theft. Guns involved in with criminal activities are usually purchased legally and then reacquired through illegal means.
According to the in 2018, 5 350 000 South Africans have guns in their possession, but only 3 000 000 were licensed. According to Guns Free South Africa 9 855 guns are either lost or stolen each year.

What are your thoughts towards illegal firearms and the use of it? Let us know on

Done By
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi
News Editor

Drie polisie manne in hegtenis geneem.

Maandag word drie polisie manne tussen die ouderdom van 28 en 30, word in die hof verwag vir gewapende roof, die einde van geregtigheid en ontvoering. Drie konstabels wat by die Reaksiespan vir Groot Vergrype Gestasioneer is, is Donderdag in hegtenis geneem toe hulle aan diens aangemeld is, het die SAPD gesê Sondag.

Na bewering het die lede 'n mini bus taxi in Somerset-Wes getrek wat perlemoen van Hermanus na Kaapstad vervoer het. Een van die beamptes het toe na bewering die perlemoen gesteel.

Sindile Mfazi luitenant-generaal van die Wes-Kaapse waarnemende provinsiale kommissaris, het die in hegtenisneming van die drie lede verwelkom en gesê dat daar geen ruimte vir misdadigers in hulle diens is nie. Die Wes-Kaapse gemeenskap sal slegs deur eerlike en lojale polisie beamptes bedien word.

Die voorval het in Junie plaasgevind.

By: Ellouise Muller

Treasurer of KDF dies after fatal stabbing

The reality of violent crime have once again visited the community of Khayelitsha. Only this time it has has visited the executive committee through the brutal stabbing of our beloved treasurer Mr Siyamcela Jingose.

 It is reported that Mr Jingose was stabbed in the early hours of the morning 15,September 2019. As a young activist Siyamcela Jingose participated in the work of the Khayelitsha Development Forum (KDF) through its youth and municipal ward structures till in 2917 he was elected to the position of treasurer at the CPUT 8th KDF conference. 

In what was going to be the last KDF work Mr Siyamcela Jingose formed part of the KDF executive committee delegation to the provincial crime summit held at the Paarl Police Academy. Siyamcela, was true community leader who worked the political talk.

By: Aneeqa du Plessis 

Gavin Watson was already dead before crash

As rumours surrounding the death of Bosasa CEO Gavin Watson continues, new reports have claimed that the businessman was dead before his car crash.

Watson, who was 71 when he died last month as the Toyota he was driving at great speed slammed into a concrete pillar at OR Tambo International Airport. He was alone in the car, and was certified dead on the scene and a case of culpable homicide was opened.

According to numerous reports, eyewitnesses claimed that his car was travelling at a high speed before the accident ensued. On Sunday, The Citizen reported that primary conclusions of a private pathology report found that the Bosasa, now African Global Operations, boss was already dead before his car hit the pillar. The report was compiled by a private pathologist hired by the family.

According to The Citizen, the pathologist reached this conclusion based on the fact that Watson's body did not show signs of "substantial trauma" despite colliding into the concrete pillar, his face didn't suffer much bruising and the fact that there wasn't as much blood at the scene as is expected in such a fatal accident.

By: Aneeqa du Plessis 

Unclear if SANDF deployment on cape flats to be extended

The South African National Defence Force's (SANDF) deployment mandate comes to an end on Monday, but it’s not clear whether their stay will be extended. Soldiers were sent in July to help law enforcement agencies.

Helmoed Heitman, military and defence analyst said that a broader set of policing actions was needed if the deployment was extended. Heitman believed that a coordinated response between the different spheres of government and community groups was needed to address the issue of gangs. “the western cape is not the only city, there are other cities where they can use similar measures. This needs a coordinated approach with all agencies involved.”

He said the army should be used to tactfully facilitate improved police crime intelligence. “the only reason to extend the deployment would be if there’s a genuine plan with crime intelligence, maybe with other crime intelligence agencies as well.”

By: Ellouise Muller

Friday, September 13, 2019

Alleged gangster turned himself in after reading of the attack in the local newspaper.

After reading about the incident in the local newspaper, a man from Maneneberg has been accused of sodomising and robbed a man in a public park has given himself over to the authorities. On Wednesday morning, a 22-year-old gangster walked into the Community Service Centre (CSC) shortly before 8am to hand himself over to the police. Known as ‘’Biggy’’, the man is an alleged member of the Fancy Boys gang and according to his victim, also 22 of age, he tried to rob him but when he realised there were no valuables to steal, he chose to rape him.

The traumatised victim opened up to the local newspaper, on Tuesday, about this ordeal after keeping the secret from his family for a week. On Sunday, 1 September, at around 3am, he was walking home from an event, when Biggy cornered him in a park in Gamka Street and held him at gunpoint to search him and after finding no valuables on him, he forced him into a corner, said he man.

The victim said, he went home in pain and he kept quiet as he was embarrassed about the ordeal.  The man’s 43-year-old uncle says he noticed a change in his nephew’s behaviour and after hearing what had happened, the family reported the matter to police.
According to a source, cops were stunned when Biggy walked into the station on Wednesday morning.

Sergeant Noloyiso Rwexana, Police spokesperson, confirms the man handed himself over and was arrested and will appear in court once charged.

By: Ellouise Muller

Bellville train derailment 'could've been prevented if Ramaphosa kept promise’

At about 6.08 yesterday, two passenger coaches and a motor coach derailed on the Kuils River side of Bellville station on the Northern Line. The train derailment of a Cape Town-bound train at Bellville station are being investigated by Metrorail that left 42 passengers injured. 

Riana Scott, Metrorail spokesperson said the recovery of the three carriages involved in the derailment was complete. “Forty-two commuters received on-site treatment by emergency personnel for minor injuries. The rail network is stable and trains are operating as scheduled, subject to prevailing operational measures, i.e. speed restrictions and manual authorisation in some sections of the network. The cause of the incident is being investigated to determine corrective and preventative measures,” said Scott.

The Northern line was reopened after technical crews finished a safety assessment of the overhead infrastructure and rail tracks. Metrorail recovery crews and emergency services remained on-site to help passengers and recovery efforts. Steve Harris, general secretary, United National Transport Union (Untu) said: “Although no commuters were seriously injured, this derailment could have been prevented had President Cyril Ramaphosa kept to the personal promise he made to Untu a month prior to the election.

“The president gave a personal undertaking to consider Untu’s demands about the safety of passenger rail commuters, its members working for the Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa).” Harris said the incident happened a mere three days after the union informed South Africans that the recently launched “war rooms” had to date had zero impact at ground level.

Unique Fillander, Western Cape Commuters Forum chairperson said: “Prasa has failed the commuters for decades, but it is worse since (they took) over from Metrorail.

By: Ellouise Muller

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Today we remember Steve Biko

Stephen Bantu Biko was a popular voice of black Liberation in South Africa between the mid-1960s and his death in police detention in 1977. He was a member of the SRC at the University of Natal, first president of SASA – South African Student Organisation, Chair of SASO Publications, Black Consciousness Movement (BCM) leader, banned person and a political prisoner.

On this day, 12 September 1977, Bantu Stephen Biko died in police detention at Pretoria Central Prison. We remember Steve Biko’s selfless sacrifice to restore people to their humanity.

“People must be aware of their problems in a realistic way. They must be able to analyse their problems and to work out common solutions. In other words, a community is easily divided when their perception of the same thing is different.” – Steve Bantu Biko

“The great powers of the world may have done wonders in giving the world an industrial look, but the great gift still has to come from Africa – giving the world a more human face.” – Steve Bantu Biko

Grassy Park SAPS Seize Unlicensed Firearm and Ammunition

 A man was arrested in Antstrike Road, New Horizon, Pelican Park. Police memebers were busy with crime preventiojn duties when they spoted...