Monday, February 05, 2024

Update registration details if your address changed, urge IEC

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in the Western Cape has urged citizens who might have changed their address to take the opportunity and update their details online. Citizens had an opportunity to do so in person, this past weekend, as part of the IEC’s voter registration weekend, but can only now do it online or at an IEC office.


IEC Western Cape Electoral Officer, Michael Hendrickse says changing addresses and not notifying the IEC in writing, could see many voters miss their chance to make a mark in this year’s National and Provincial Elections.

‘’This applies even if you’ve just moved down the road or to a different part of town. It’s imperative you update your details for the voting station in your new location. Failure to do so will result in you not being able to vote because you will remain on the voters’ roll where you previously resided.’’

Previously, voters arrived at a voting station where they were not registered and still vote. However, a new Electoral law requires that you inform the IEC in writing, before Election Day, that you want to vote at a different voting station to where you are registered.

‘’So, just because you were previously allowed to vote at a voting station where you weren’t registered, it doesn’t mean you will automatically be able to vote there again without informing the IEC,’’ said Michael Hendrickse, IEC Western Cape Electoral Officer.

‘’To avoid the disappointment of arriving at the wrong voting station, update your residential address which will place you in the correct voting district and you will know where your voting station is,’’ he added.

To check which address the IEC has for you, citizens can go online at or sms your ID number to 32810, call the Call Centre during office hours at 0800 11 8000 you.


Done By: Mitchum George

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