Monday, July 29, 2024

Krotoa’s life celebrated on 350th anniversary of her death

South Africans are urged to continue and celebrate and honour the life of Krotoa.

Monday marked the 350th year of her passing. Krotoa was a khoi woman who was employed as a translator for Jan van Riebeeck and his family, having learnt Dutch and Portuguese.

Her marriage to Danish surgeon, Pieter van Meerhoff, in 1664 is the first recorded interracial marriage in SA.

PHOTO: Le Roux Schoeman vir Kerkbode

Several events and activities have been held across the Mother City since Friday. Traditional and religious leaders have gathered at Robben Island and Castle of Good hope to celebrate the life of the woman known as the original mother of the nation.

Meanwhile, a mural was also unveiled at the Groote Kerk in Adderley Street, where Krotoa was buried.

COURTESY: Facebook - Daylin Mitchell

Castle of Good Hope’s Castle Control Board CEO, Calvyn Gilfellan, explained the proceedings for the past weekend.

‘’Starting with an arts exhibition, the unveiling of a big portrait of mother Krotoa at the Groote Kerk, in the centre of town, celebrated the remarkable life of mother of Krotoa or Eva, as the Dutch called her, who died 350 years ago. The weekend focused on how K was mistreated by historians, Dutch and society, and what we have done as three partners is relived her memory and tell her story in a balanced way that is not a perspective of a colonial male but woman herself. We had a various woman who paid tribute.’’

‘’So Krotoa – the mother of the nation – is important to see her as a unifier and not a divider like in the past. So it has been a long and poignant and remarkable satisfying way of marking the life of this woman, and it is a story that many should take forward and use her name as something to aspire for and create a better life for many,’’ added Gilfellan.

Done By: Mitchum George

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