Friday, December 09, 2011

European Union says Durban must deliver #COP17

European Union Commissioner Connie Hedegaard

Lusanda Bill
09 December 2011

As negotiations reach the final stages at COP17/CMP7 tensions are rising.

The European Union released a statement saying “We believe that the world has had a lot of time to think. What we need is not more thinking. What we need is more action”.

European Union Commissioner Connie Hedegaard revealed in a press briefing this morning that Brazil and South Africa have come on board and are willing to sign a legally binding agreement.

Hedegaard added that the success of Durban hangs on a small group of countries that have not yet committed.

The EU also stated that if there is no further movement here in Durban then there will not be a deal at COP17/CMP7.

The European Union also said the price of buying time is rising, Durban must deliver. #COP17

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