Wednesday, January 08, 2014

ANCYL calling for better schooling conditions for poor learners

Lusanda Bill
08 January 2014

The African National Congress Youth League in the Western Cape said quality education and career development is vital in changing the socio-economic conditions for the better. 

ANC Youth League Convener Muhammad Khalid Sayed said they are proud of the learners from poor communities who passed matric especially Peakview Secondary and Zonnebloem Nest Secondary. 

Sayed said these poor schools have sent out a strong message to MEC of Education Donald Grant who wanted to close down these schools. 

“The hard work by the Save Our Schools Campaign must be commended for not giving up the fight to keep these schools opened” Sayed added.

Meanwhile the ANC Youth League in Province has also come out in support of the call by the Congress of South African Students for the publications of matrics who have passed be stopped. 

ANC Youth League Convener Muhammad Khalid Sayed said passing matric should rather be acknowledge by the school, family and the person involved without having a third party involved. 

Sayed said for some learners it is embarrassing because too much undue information is made public like access to university and not getting a distinction when expectations were created.   

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