Monday, October 14, 2024

Umalusi CEO addresses the nation for the upcoming matric examination

 Umalusi approves the 2024 NSC end of year examination. Umalusi has concluded the audit of the state of readiness of the public Department of Education, Department of Higher education and training and private assessment bodies. The Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training, Umalusi, has given the green light for the 2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations, which are set to take place from 21 October to 28 November 2024.

All nine provinces have completed and successfully met the standard procedure for the writing of the NSC exams.

Examinations are separated into various categories from high risk, moderate risk to low risk. Markers have been selected and have placed in regions to mark the learners scripts, the reason for the various categories are to minimise cheating amongst the candidates. The council has announced that more than 1.1 million candidates across the provinces are registered to sit for the exams this year.

 Internal systems were put in place to manage the school based assessments which are the practical and theory assessments learners complete during the school year.

Umalusi believes that they have implemented adequate plans for the upcoming examination and have everything under control. Subject specialists markers have been placed in the various departments to limit the long duration of script marking.

Although Umalusi is happy with the security measure that are put in place to minimise the leaking of question papers they have flagged some weaknesses. The risks identified have been brought to the attention of the Heads of the Provincial education department and the Directors General of the DBE and DHET.

Processes and standard procedures are in place for the 2024 examination invigilators’ and monitors have started with their training earlier this month and are expected to complete on the 24th of October.

 Factors that can possibly suppress the smooth running of exams are loadshedding, cheating and community protests. Markers have been appointed, but the DBE has voiced that marker shortages can be a potential issue.

Lastly, Umalusi has issued a warning to all candidates and teachers to refrain from all forms of cheating including group copying and teachers leaking question papers. They urge communities to not engage in community protests during the national exams and wish the class of 2024 well in the upcoming examinations.

Done by: Shaneca Cupido


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