Friday, December 09, 2011

Final day of negotiations intensifying at COP17 #COP17

Executive Director of South Centre Martin Khor

Xolelwa Mvumvu
09 December 2011

The Third World Network (TWN) says the final day of negotiations at COP17/CMP7 is intensifying over critical issues, which include the future shape of the climate regime as well as the outcome on the Green Climate Fund.

Meena Raman from the TWN says according to the information they have a draft decision on the Green Climate Fund is close to agreement for the parties to adopt at the 17th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP) to the united framework convention on climate change.

She said yesterday the South African President of COP17/CMP7 Maite Nkoane-Mashabane presented an option to form legal outcome under the UNFCCC as well as another table on options relating to the second commitment period for greenhouses gases emissions reductions under Kyoto Protocol.

Raman added that U.S.A was still not prepared to commit to a legally binding outcome.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of South Centre, Martin Khor, says Kyoto Protocol remains the clearest symbol of Annex I parties making commitments on the basis of their leadership in mitigating actions and historical responsibility. He added that it is regrettable that some developed countries are not interested in joining a second period.

“However, it is important that the remaining members stay the course with subsequent periods, as mandate in the Kyoto Protocol itself” Khor said.

He says that as South Centre they hope the Green Climate Fund will be further operationalised in Durban, in a manner that makes it an independent entity and adequate resources that developing countries need.

He concluded by saying that they hope the conference in Durban will end with success. #COP17

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