Thursday, December 03, 2009

Zuma meets Microsoft boss Bill Gates over AIDS matters

By Ofentse Mokae
03 December 2009

President Jacob Zuma has met with American businessman Bill Gates yesterday to discuss issues relating to the country’s HIV/Aids pandemic.

The Presidency in a statement said the talks were held at the Union Buildings in Pretoria yesterday.

Issues discussed included a need to scale up the prevention of HIV/Aids, the importance of the prevention of Mother to Child Transmission.

The discussion also included the need to look at male circumcision as a means of prevention.

“President Zuma indicated that the matter was being looked into but that it needed to be communicated carefully to avoid giving an impression that circumcised males were immune to HIV,” the statement said.

Gates briefed the President about pre-exposure Prophylaxis.

“This is a new initiative which proposes to test everyone and start all those that are positive on ARVs regardless of CD4 count,” added the statement.

Deputy President Motlanthe later met Gates to discuss more specifically matters related to the country's HIV and AIDS programme.

Motlanthe met Gates in his capacity as Chairperson of the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC).

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