Saturday, October 02, 2021

Capetonians can expect delays in refuse collection, says City of Cape Town

Capetonians can expect delays in refuse collection. The City of Cape Town says this is due to vehicle availability.

‘’Every attempt will be made to clear bins on the scheduled day. Should a delay be experienced, residents are asked to leave their bins out until 21:00 each day until it is collected. City teams will be putting in extra hours and will work over the weekend to clear any backlogs as well, should this be necessary,’’ the municipality said in a statement.

It further urged residents not to resort to illegal dumping if delays cause refuse to build-up to the point where it cannot fit in the wheelie bins.

Residents are reminded of the following:

Covid-19 mitigation guidelines for domestic waste disposal:

Residents are encouraged to follow the guidelines for disposal of their domestic waste to help reduce the spread of Covid-19. The guidelines are aligned to provincial protocols for managing general household waste.

1. Waste items, such as used tissues, wipes and other disposables, that have been used by someone who has or is suspected of having Covid-19, should be disposed into a separate container.

2. This waste should be double-bagged.

3. Please keep this waste on the property for at least five days before placing it out for collection in the bin.

4. Other household waste can be disposed of as normal.

5. Please wash your hands after handling the bin.

6. Sanitise the handle and lid, where possible, before placing your bin out for collection and before bringing it back onto your property.

7. Keep a physical distance from City staff at all times.


How to make more space in your bin:

·        Residents are encouraged to take their clean, dry recyclables to one of the City’s drop-off facilities. Alternatively, residents can make use of an accredited recycling collection company. Recycling eases pressure on collections services, in our landfills and on the environment. Recyclables are also typically bulkier than other household waste types, causing bins to fill up far more quickly than if they are separated.

·        Garden greens are also accepted at selected drop-off facilities. Alternatively, residents can make use of private accredited service providers to collect garden greens.

·        Where possible, residents are encouraged to practice home composting, as this will allow further space in the bin during this period.


Bin care:

Ø Please wash and disinfect your wheelie bin regularly, especially when placing it outside and when bringing it back inside.

Ø Please retain and freeze any meat product (i.e. leftover food in the form of chicken, red meat, off cuts, etc.) until collection day before placing into the bin, so as to prevent the breeding of flies.

Ø Store your bin in a cool place, avoiding direct exposure to the sun, to reduce/prevent flies breeding in your bin. It also helps to spray your bin with insecticide to restrict and inhibit the breeding of flies.

Ø Please remember to wash your hands thoroughly after handling waste.


Done By: Mitchum George

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