Monday, January 07, 2008

Husband bludgeon's wife to death

By Chanel September
07 January 2008

A Strand husband is expected to appear in the Strand Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday after he had bludgeoned his wife to death with a hammer.

Police believe that the mother of three was beaten to death by her husband, apparently after a domestic-related argument broke out on Sunday evening.

It is alleged that the argument between the husband (35) and wife (31) went so far that he beat her with a hammer. "The husband then left their home so angry not realising his wife was dead,” says police spokesperson, Elliot Sinyangana.

“When police arrived at the scene the women was lying on the floor with wounds to her head. She died on the scene,” says Sinyangana.

Police tried to track down the husband, but were unsuccessful. He later handed himself over at the Strand police station.

It is still unclear weather the couple’s three children aged (9), (5) and 12 months witnessed their mother being beaten to death, but counselling has been provided.

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