Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Public's knowledge about the State Information Bill is limited

Mluleki Mrwebi
31 January 2012

The debate on the State Information Bill got off today at the Gugulethu Sports Complex.

The public is being given a chance to voice their views on this bill.

The NCOP members will be visiting all provinces with this debate.

The people that attended raised their concerns about certain clause of the bill.

The Chairman of the NCOP Mr Papi Tau answered some of the questions the public had, concerning the bill.

In his response he clarified that this bill is here to prevent things such as espionage and the state information.

Mr Papi further said that the bill will not deprive the citizens their right to know but will protect them against false information.

Mr Dennis Bloem a member of the NCOP said the bill has been passed from the National Assembly and it is now brought to the public.

Blikkiesdorp residents speak out

Andiswa Mkosi
31 January 2012

Today residents from Blikkiesdorp marched to voice their concerns due to poor conditions they stay in.

The residents have been protesting for a couple of days asking the government to provide them with houses.

The group gave their local ward councilor a memorandum, the warden then listed down their concerns.

About 200 unhappy residents protested on the temporary relocation area close to Delft

2 Airport staff members arrested

Andiswa Mkosi
31 January 2012

Two staff members of Cape Town International Airport have been arrested after being found with a stolen iPad 2.

The driver and cleaner were caught while exiting the airport.

The iPad2 are valued at seven thousand rands.

A customer apparently forgot his gadget on a flight from Johannesburg.

The time he came back to get it was already gone.

He was able to track his iPad on his laptop.

No suspects for Bellville ATM bombing

Lauren Snyders
31 January 2012

An ATM has been blown up in Bellville in Durban Road in the early hours of this morning.

No suspects have been arrested.

The incident took place at an ABSA ATM.

The police’s FC Van Wyk said at about four o clock this morning the ATM was damaged by explosive materials.

He added that the security guard on duty did not notice any suspicious person or vehicle while conducting his patrol.

Police investigating Bryston murder

Andiswa Mkosi
31 January 2012

Forensic investigators are at the moment investigating the scene of a murder and robbery case that occurred lastnight in Bryston.

The evidence they gathered is still vague but the police claim that a man was robbed and killed on the scene.

The police’s Kim Cloete says they have laid a charge of house robbery and murder which they are still investigating.

The police are still trying to track down the victim’s vehicle.

Harsher sentences for lesbian killers

Lauren Snyders
31 January 2012

Some of the lawyers in the Zoliswa Nkonyana case said they dismissed testimony from gay and lesbian representatives because it might have been biased.

Jill Henderson from the Triangle Project presented a report in the Khayelitsha Regional Court yesterday which outlined lesbian attacks in townships.

She was the state witness in the case against four men who were convicted of killing Zoliswa Nkonyana in 2006.

The Triangle Projects Marlow Valentine said that it has taken the court six years to get to this point.

She also added that on the one hand they are happy that the case will be concluded and they hope the court passes down an appropriate sentence.

Shortages at petrol stations

Lauren Snyders
31 January 2012

Shell petrol stations in Sea point and Heathfield are running out of certain grades of petrol.

This comes after garages brace themselves for the massive fuel price increase on Wednesday which sees motorists flocking to fill their tanks.

The price of petrol is set to increase by 34 cents a litre.

Shell SA’s Bonang Mogale said he was trying to figure out exactly where the shortages were and how to address them.

Authorities searching for fatal crash driver

Lauren Snyders
31 January 2012

Authorities are searching for the driver of the earthmover which was involved in a fatal crash yesterday near Gouda.

Eight people died after the truck they were travelling in crashed into the earthmover before plunging over a bridge on the R44.

After officials investigated they found that the earthmover was unlicensed and unregistered.

MEC for Transport in the Western Cape Robin Carlisle said the driver fled the scene soon after the accident took place.

Carlisle said that leaving the earthmover on the side of the road was reckless.

He added that it’s an act of irresponsibility and at the end of the day people are dead and it’s a disgrace.

Western Cape Traffic Chief Kenny Africa said they are considering murder charges against the driver as well as the driver of yesterdays Kombi crash.

The Kombi collided with a bread truck killing the five occupants.

Africa said they have not yet decided on the charges.

Metrorail warns that more delays can be expected

Anansa Jacobs
31 January 2012

Metrorail officials have warned that more train delays can be expected during this week.

The cause of these delays are due to vandalism at stations throughout Cape Town.

Some trains running from the Cape Flats, Bellville and Khayelitsha lines were vandalised on Monday which caused major delays and cancellations.

Regional manager for Metrorail Lindelo Matya said, “Our technicians are trying to sort out the vandalised equipment. There will be some delays because a lot of it has to do with restoring it to its original state.”

Governing bodies calls on parents

Anansa Jacobs
31 January 2012

The Minister for Basic Education Angie Motshekga has reminded parents that they have a vital role to play in school governing bodies.

As said at a news conference in Pretoria, Motshekga mentioned that schools with good governing bodies have better success compared to those where parents and the community are not involved.

She also said that this year’s school governing body elections would take place throughout the month of March.

The Minister urged parents to stand for election and to participate in  voting procedures.

Free State miner dies

Andiswa Mkosi
31 January 2012

A mine company reported that a miner was killed at Harmony Gold’s West shaft in the Free State.

Operations were stopped while investigations into the incident were taking place

The incident happened while a scheduled maintenance was in progress at the west shaft mine.

National Union of Mineworkers spokesperson Lesiba Seshoka said during the weekend he is disappointed at the high number of miner deaths.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Corporal punishment may be banned

Andiswa Mkosi
30 January 2012

Children’s rights groups want to ban spanking of children and make it illegal.

The Social Development Department is also considering modifying the Children’s Right Act following the Child Justice Alliance at the University of Cape Town asked to forbid corporal punishment.

If the request goes through this would mean that parentswont be able to utilize corporal discipline in their homes.

Sam Waterhouse spokesperson of the Child Justice Alliance says they are aware of the negative reaction they will receive from society

The lesbian murder case resumed today

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 January 2012

The Gay and lesbian group, the Triangle Project today urged the court to consider the key prejudice that led to the killing of Zoliswa Nkonyana.

The 19-year-old woman was stoned to death in 2006 allegedly because she was a lesbian.

Nine men were arrested in connection with her murder and four of them have been found guilty.

Today the Triangle Project`s Jill Henderson was called to testify in the case.

Henderson presented a six page report as part of her testimony on attacks on gays and lesbians across the townships in South Africa.

A fatal crash in Gouda to be investigated

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 January 2012

The Western Cape police and transport authorities are investigating
the accident which happened today involving a truck and an earthmover.

The tuck that was carrying about 50 farm workers collided with an earthmover.

The owner of the earthmover has disappeared as it is alleged that his vehicle was unlicensed.

The MEC for Transport and Public works in the Western Cape Mr Robin Carlisle said the police are looking for him and once he is arrested he will be charged with murder.

On the accident eight people died.

Construction underway at Chapman’s Peak

Lauren Snyders
30 January 2012

Construction started today on the new Chapman’s Peak toll plaza.

Residents have been up in arms ever since the toll plaza was first mentioned and they gathered at the construction site to discuss it.

They held a modest meeting as construction vehicles made a racket.

The civil rights group comprising of community members from Hout Bay, Hangberg, and Imizamo Yethu says they are disgusted that the Western Cape government has continued with the construction.

Residents say that the construction sets a negative precedent for developments where national parks are concerned. 

Eskom experiences problems

Andiswa Mkosi
30 January 2012

Eskom is experiencing problems with maintaining a balance between a stable power supply and a growing need to maintain old power stations.

Brian Dames Eskom’s Chief Executive attended Eskom’s first quarterly update for the year.

He says that most power stations are in midlife and they require constant maintenance.

He continued to say that Eskom has different methods of achieving its goal like introducing a voluntary energy conservation scheme that aims to encourage South African citizen’s to save electricity.

MEC Donald Grant kicks off 2012 teacher training programme

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 January 2012

The Western Cape Education Department this year will focus on improving the skills for the educators.

MEC for Education in the Western Cape Donald Grant will be launching the teacher training programme this week.

The programme will be providing the teachers with various training and development projects.

The department’s spokesperson Bronagh Casey said they will conduct workshops for the next three weeks with the educators from the first phase.

She further said they intend to improve the quality of teaching in skills in class as well as the knowledge of the educators.

The ANC in a war of words with the media

Andiswa Mkosi
30 January 2012

The argument between the media and the ANC has now become a cold war.

The commission’s public hearings started after similar hearings were held in Cape Town a couple of weeks back.

Over the next three days verbal submissions will be heard before the commission presents a report on how they feel the press should be regulated.

Justice Pius Langa led the hearing by saying his wish was for a successful debate about regulation.

Out-of-control fire in the Boland

Lauren Snyders
30 January 2012

Another fire has hit the Western Cape and sees firefighters going all out to stop the blaze.

An out-of-control veld fire in the Slanghoek Valley near Worcester in the Boland saw helicopters being used to fight the blaze.

So far two structures have been destroyed and many residents have decided to flee their homes.

The fire has been raging since Saturday night and is out-of-control because of strong winds.

15 fire trucks and 150 fire personnel have been sent to the scene.

Bainskloof Pass between Wellington and Wolseley has been closed due to poor visibility.

Cape Town Gang unit is a success

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 January 2012

Cape Town Metro police formed the gang unit in December last year.

The unit was formed to fight crime in gang affected areas across Cape Town.

Metro police Chief Wayne le Roux today said they have made several arrests and confiscated drugs since the unit was formed.

The unit consists of ten members.

Le Roux said they have been hard at work since the launch of the task team.

The task team has been focusing on areas such as Lavender Hill , Hanover Park and Elsies Rivier.

Le Roux further said they will focus on the City`s rental units where there is a lot of illegal activities taking place.

In some places they found that there are houses where electricity has been tampered with.

Porterville accident leaves seven dead

Anansa Jacobs
30 January 2012

In Porterville near Gouda on the R44 seven people have been killed in a serious accident this morning.

The farmer’s truck collided with an earthmover.

The driver of the truck which had 50 passengers onboard,lost control of the vehicle and landed in the river.

Motorists that passed the scene said that bodies were laying in the road.

Protesters not done with Rondebosch Common

Lauren Snyders
30 January 2012

The group which wanted to occupy the piece of land at Rondebosch Common last Friday said they are not done.

Several people were arrested after they tried to move onto the piece of land.

They were eventually removed after police used tear gas and water cannons on them.

The groups Mike Hoffmeester said they might have withdrawn from the piece of land but they will be back.

He added that they know that there are still visible police and law enforcement on the scene but they do have plans in place.

Hoffmeester said they will continue to do this until authorities take them seriously.

He added that they have plans which are very sensitive and which he cannot speak about.

The Communities for Social Change Jared Sacks said that last Friday's protest was infact not illegal.

He added that the City had to take various steps to ban the march.

One of the protesters Mario Wanza who was arrested last Friday has been granted bail after he spent two nights in the Athlone Police Station.

Over 40 people who participated in the protest was released hours after being arrested.

Charges against them were dropped but Wanza was not sure if the state is going to drop charges against him.

5 killed in car accident

Anansa Jacobs
30 January 2012

Five people have been killed in an accident on the N1 incoming at the Kraaifontein exit in Cape Town this morning.

It is believed a Caravelle Kombi collided with a truck.

Western Cape Traffic Chief Kenny Africa said that the highway in the direction of Cape Town will be closed while officials clear the scene.

Three males and two females have died. Paramedics are on scene as two women are still trapped inside the vehicle.

Raging fire in Boland

Anansa Jacobs
30 January 2012

Two structures have been destroyed by a veld fire that burnt out of control in the Slanghoek Valley near Worcester in the Boland yesterday.

Farm owners fled their homes as the fire, fanned by strong winds, approached their properties.
The fire started on Saturday night.

Fifteen fire engines, 150 ground personnel and 3 helicopters were reportedly trying to extinguish the flames.

The cause of the fire is still unclear.

Suspect arrested for ATM bombing

Andiswa Mkosi
29 January 2012

A suspect has been arrested for having explosives in his possession.

The man was arrested in Johannesburg after a series of ATM bombings occurred.

The police caught the suspect while they were following up on information on the ATM bombings.

He was found in possession of commercial explosives.

The suspect is currently being questioned and police are expecting to arrest more suspects.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Rockfall claims life of two miners

Andiswa Mkosi
29 January 2012

A rockfall at the Modikwa platinum mine claimed the lives of two miners.

According to the National Union of Mine Workers this occurred yesterday afternoon.

Spokesperson of the NUM says they are really disappointed with the rise in mine fatalities.

He continued to say that the deaths rose up to 120 last year.Identities of the two men are still not released.

Durban man hit by a truck

Andiswa Mkosi
29 January 2012

A man was hit by truck on the N2 in Durban yesterday while trying to cross the road.

Paramedics say he is critically injured.

ER24 spokesperson Vanessa Jackson says the man got hit by a bakkie while trying to cross the highway.

She continued to say he was flung seven metres away from the scene of the accident.

Mandela returns to Johannesburg

Andiswa Mkosi
29 January 2012

Today former President Nelson Mandela will return to his home in Johannesburg .

Mandela is returning because of to regular maintenance that has to be undertaken at his Qunu home.

It is said that Mandela is still in good health.

He has been staying permanently at Qunu since July 2011.

Missing Person Alert:Lee Anne Van Wyk

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Elderly woman strangled to death

Andiswa Mkosi
28 January 2012

An elderly woman was murdered in Parkview after she walked in on a gang of robbers.

Yesterday the 65 year old woman arrived at home and found the suspects inside.

The robbers strangled her to death before they escaped.

Police are investigating a case of murder and armed robbery.

Three girls drown in Mpumalanga

Andiswa Mkosi
28 January 2012

Mpumalanga police reported that three children drowned while crossing a river.

The 3 girls were trying to cross the fast flowing river in Balfour after heavy rains in the Mpumalanga province.

The girls experienced difficulty in the water and by the time helped arrived the girls the river had already swept them away.

Three bodies were found by police divers.

Druge mule arrested in Malawi

Andiswa Mkosi
28 January 2012

A South African drug mule has bee arrested at the Lilongwe International Airport in Malawi for smuggling 4kg of cocaine.

The South African woman had the cocaine in a stroller.Airport officials stoped her after noticing there was no baby in the pram.

The smuggled goods were found hidden in the hollow metal frame of the stroller.

Patience Monkei-Khame confessed to smuggling the drugs and that a gang offered her R30, 000 to smuggle the drugs into South Africa.

Protest at Manenberg Waterfront

Andiswa Mkosi
28 January 2012

The land,jobs and housing summit will continue today says Proudly Manenberg a community organisation.

Yesterday a group of demonstrators tried to occupy the Rondebosch Common.

The police intervened because the protest was  illegal

Things will continue today peacefully at the Manenberg Waterfront says organization’s Amelia September

DA wants ‘shadow planes’ investigation

Andiswa Mkosi
28 January 2012

The Democratic Alliance requests that defence Minister Lindiwe Sisulu to appear before parliament to explain why huge amounts of money was spent on hiring shadow planes for President Jacob Zuma.

It emerged last week that a bombardier global express and an airbus A340 were used to shadow the president's business jet to the United States.

DA shadow minister,David Maynier,wrote a letter to the committee’s chairperson Jerome Maake.

In the letter he was requesting a special hearing following the mess at the South African Air Forces' 21 squadron.

Zimbabwean national prevented from laying charges

Andiswa Mkosi
28 January 2012

A Zimbabwean national was prevented from laying a charge of assault yesterday at the Maitland police station.

Lucky Dhuve was assaulted by security guards at a nearby refugee centre.

People Against Suffering Oppression and Poverty, a refugee rights group had to accompany Dhuve to the police sation.

Langton Miriyoga of Passop said he was shocked at the attitude of the police officers.

Traffic officer faces charges of misconduct

Anansa Jacobs
28 January 2012

A senior official in the Uitenhage traffic department was fired yesterday after being found guilty of misconduct.

Dennis Januarie has been found guilty on 16 charges of dishonesty, as mentioned by a spokesperson for the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in the Eastern Cape.

Januarie was found guilty of allowing his staff to perform illegal tasks.

These tasks comprised of persons applying for a drivers or learners license not to undergo a compulsory eye test.

He also allowed the illegal alteration of foreign licenses to South African licenses.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Taxi drivers undergo advanced driving course

Anansa Jacobs
27 January 2012

Approximatley 130 Gauteng taxi drivers have completed a three week advanced driving course.

The course aims to improve taxi drivers behaviour on national roads.Nearly R1 million has been spent on the drivers to respect others on the roads.

The candidates underwent their final examination today.

The Gauteng Taxi Council stated that basic rules as well as customer relations are featured in their programme.

Arts and Culture Minister stresses on languages

Anansa Jacobs
27 January 2012

Arts and Culture Minister Paul Mashatile has stated that the draft of South African languages bill will ensure that all eleven languages are used.

He also mentioned that in future the languages must be utilized in a fair and equal manner.

Government needs to ensure that at least one indigenous language is used in service delivery to the people.

Mashatile added that the Pan South African Language Board has not been effective in promoting multilingualism in the country.

New Springbok coach welcomed

Anansa Jacobs
27 January 2012

The confirmation of the new Springbok Rugby coach,Heyneke Meyer’s has been well received.

Meyer 44-years old, who serves as director of rugby for the Blue Bulls, will soon take over from Peter de Villiers.

De Villiers coached the Springboks since 2008.

Meyer has been offered a four year contract and his first Springbok Test will be against England in Durban in June 2012.

Relief for diesel users as price goes down

Mluleki Mrwebi 
27 January 2012

The Energy Department this afternoon is expected to confirm the petrol increase of all grades.

The petrol price increase will come into effect next week on Wednesday.

The price of consumer goods and transport will rise even higher.

 All grades of petrol are expected to increase by thirty-four-cents a litre.

 Meanwhile the diesel prices are expected to drop by one to two-cents a litre.

 The illumination paraffin goes down by four-cents a litre.

 Petroleum gas will go up by 50-cents per kilogram.

Transport Department warns non-performing managers

Mluleki Mrwebi
27 January 2012

The Transport Department has issued a strong warning against non performing managers in 2012.

The Department had a planning session this week.

Transport Minister Sbusiso Ndebele said they need to renew their focus on rail and transport as well as safety and rural development.

Ndebela added that the Director General should take action against those senior managers that do not comply with the Public Service Act.

Protest at Rondebosch Common goes ahead

Anansa Jacobs
27 January 2012
Metro Police Officers at Rondebosch Common this afternoon

The organisers of a protest march to Rondebosch Common in Cape Town has said that they have no intention of cancelling the march.
The planned march is illegal because the City of
Cape Town has not granted the organisers permission.

According to the City, organisers have not followed the correct procedure in applying for the march to take place on Saturday.

One of the organisers are adamant that the march will take place.

Demonstrators will gather outside the Athlone Stadium from

City of
Cape Town officials have instructed authorities to try to prevent the demonstration in a diplomatic way.

The protest is targeted to highlight the plight of the poor and unemployed.

MEC Bonginkosi Madikizela to oversee municipalities

Mluleki Mrwebi
27 January 2012

MEC for Human Settlement Bonginkosi Madikizela will be visiting several municipalities from the 30 January 2012to the 4 February 2012.

The MEC`s visit is to ensure the accelerated delivery of the housing opportunities to the people who most need them, with a strategic focus on the provision of basic services.

Madikizela said that some municipalities have had a slow pace of housing delivery.

Madikizela expressed his concern over the slow delivery.

Man gets shot in the face for attempting to rob a farmer

Lauren Snyders
27 January 2012

A robber with a plastic gun was shot dead after he tried to enter a 70-year-old’s home in Mpumalanga.

Corrie Potgieter who lives on a farm near Karino, heard his gardener Fana Mashalela talking to someone yesterday morning.

After peeping through the bedroom window, Potgieter saw that two men were standing with Mashalela.

He then decided to fetch his shotgun out of his safe.

The men were gone but when he saw Mashalela on his knees he became suspicious.

Suddenly one of the men jumped up from underneath the window and pointed a pistol at Potgieter.

Potgieter fired a shot which hit the robber in the face and killed him instantly.

When police arrived on the scene they found his body with the BB gun laying next to him.

Police spokesperson Sergeant Gerald Sedibe said that Mashalela told him that there were three men and the other two got away.

This attack was one of many which happened in the Mbombela area.

Just under 300 missing last year

Lauren Snyders
27 January 2012

Since the start of the year more than 22 children have gone missing.

The statistics includes the one-month-old Mlondi Thwala, who was stolen in Kwa-Zulu Natal.

Last year nearly 300 children were reported missing across South Africa.

About three percent of the missing children were found dead.

The cases for January could be higher if the cases reported to police are still included said Missing Children South Africa’s Nicky Rheeder.

She added that every year during the school holidays they notice an increase in the trend in the amount of cases reported.

Rheeder said that it is mostly cause children are left at home while their parents are at work.

Western Cape Education Department is aware of problems at schools

Mluleki Mrwebi
27 January 2012

The Western Cape Education Department said on Thursday it was aware of maintenance problems and shortcomings raised by Cosas at various Gugulethu schools.

The Congress of the South African Students (Cosas) Thursday visited several schools in Gugulethu and found that township schools face a lot of problems.

At Siyazingisa they found that eight toilets were not working , the overcrowding in classrooms and some classes had no electricity.

The education department's Paddy Atwell said they were aware of the issues and they are working towards fixing them.

Toll plaza going ahead as planned

Lauren Snyders
27 January 2012

MEC for transport in the Western Cape Robin Carlisle said yesterday that he is not able to reverse the decision to build the toll plaza on Chapman’s Peak.

The toll company Entilini was informed by the department that they should go ahead with construction.

Construction workers then moved onto the site and are ready to begin with their work.

After the 2000 people strong protest last weekend, construction is still going ahead as planned.

Carlisle said he hopes the residents of Cape Town will be able to understand and respect the position he was in to let the construction continue.

He added that if he fails to carry out due process, the courts would not be impressed.

Carlisle said that this may lead to a court case.

Residents in the area are busy making plans to seek legal advice.

Accounts frozen of men leading land invasion

Lauren Snyders
27 January 2012

The Land Affairs Department sent out security guards in aid of stopping land invasion near Wallmansthal.

Afriforum also froze the accounts of the men leading the land invasion.

The land in question was being processed by government for to successful land claimants.

Afriforum’s Willie Spies said that First National Bank (FNB) and Standard Bank confirmed that the bank accounts were indeed frozen.

He added that the next step would be to establish exactly who the beneficiaries are of the account are to summon them for damages.

Deteriorating public transport in the greater Cape Town area

Mluleki Mrwebi
27 January 2012

Metrorail has been experiencing problems of vandalism and sabotage in the greater Cape Town area in the last few weeks.

The Metrorail Management will be meeting with the MEC for Transport in the Western Cape Mr Robin Carlisle today to discus possible ways of fighting these problems.

The commuters have been affected dearly by the train delays and Metrorail incurred losses.

The meeting is scheduled to start at between the MEC for Transport, Metrorail Management and Santaco under the Chairmanship of Mr Mike Marsden the Deputy City Manager of Cape Town.

Justice Minister Jeff Radebe defends media

Mluleki Mrwebi
27 January 2012

Justice Minister Jeff Radebe on Thursday said media freedom was vital in fighting corruption and must be protected at all costs.

Radebe would not comment in detail on the proposed Secrecy Bill which has brought clashing opinions.

The Minister was speaking at the launch of Corruption Watch .The Corruption watch is a civil society initiative that the public can use to report any wrongdoing.

Radebe said that the media need to be given credit when exposing corruption in all sectors.

Missing Person Alert: Johanna Thys

Maitland Refugee Centre under spotlight

Anansa Jacobs
27 January 2012

The acting head of the Maitland Refugee Reception Centre in Cape Town, has urged people to come forward with information about the alleged corruption at the facility.

A Zimbabwean man reportedly beaten by security guards at the centre on Thursday.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday, a Bangladeshi man died inside the facility due to natural causes.

Santo Mohaploa, the acting head of the centre, urged people to contact him or the provincial government manager of any similar occurrences.

Some foreigners have come forward and complained that the security guards at the centre have been assaulting them for no apparent reason.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Police arrest robbers

Anansa Jacobs
26 January 2012

Two men have been arrested today after a high speed chase through Epping.

The pair are being accused of robbing workers that are employed by a catering company located on the premises of
Conradie Hospital in Thornton, Cape Town.

Police spokesperson, Andre Traut said a stolen vehicle, money and 9mm firearm have been recovered.

He added that they have reason to believe more suspects are involved in the robbery.

Commuters can expect a hike in taxi fares

Mluleki Mrwebi
26 January 2012

The South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) said today that taxi fare increases can be expected if the fuel price continues to rise.

The Department of Energy announced last week that the fuel prices might increase this week.

The fuel price increase of 30 cents is expected tomorrow.

Santaco`s Mvuyisi Mente said that they will call a special meeting to discuss the possibilities of increase in taxi fares.

Mente further said the needs of the commuters will be considered before prices are adjusted.

Slain Wesbank boy laid to rest

The little boy from Wesbank who was tragically killed whilst asleep, will be laid to rest on Saturday morning. Four-year-old Davin Afrika ...