Saturday, May 04, 2013

ACDP welcomed report by the National Education Evaluation and Development Unit

Imogen Vollenhoven
4May 2013

The African Christian Democratic Party has welcomed the report by the National Education Evaluation and Development Unit on the state of literacy teaching and learning in foundation phase.

The ACDP has called on government to hold the teaching profession to professional standards.

ACDP’s MP Cheryllyn Dudley said the people of South Africa are frustrated that it is taking so long to deliver an improved quality of education, to meet the human resource development needs of the country and end poverty and inequality.

Dudley explains further that the ACDP sincerely hopes that the observations and recommendations will result in important breakthrough.

Dudley added that the ACDP is particularly pleased with efforts that are being focused on the quality of teaching and learning in the foundation phase because concerns about the poor levels of learning among learners especially in the first few years.

“And it is there where many learners where education battle is won or lost,” said Dudley.

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