Friday, June 07, 2024

Political parties asked to remove election posters or risk being fined

Political parties have until midnight on Saturday to remove all election posters and banners.

PICTURE - Mitchum George: Election posters on a street pole outside Bush Radio studio's

According to the City’s by-law, election posters must be removed within 10 days after the election to avoid being penalised.

It warned that the string or plastic used to attach the posters to streetlight poles must be removed as well.

‘’Posters that are not removed within this deadline will be removed by the City as of Monday, 10 June 2024, at the political party's cost at R134,10 per poster. The responsible political party will be billed. The City kindly reminds political parties of the election poster removal rules that the administration shared with all in the run-up to the election. These are contained in the election rules document,’’ read the statement.

‘’To recover any of the unauthorised posters removed by the Municipality, parties will need to liaise, during office hours, with the City's Environmental Management Department officials to collect the posters,’’ it added.

Posters that are not removed within this deadline will be removed by the City as of Monday, at the political party's cost at R134,10 per poster.


Done by: Esobusi Mkangelwa

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